Feb 16, 2008 21:07
So here I am in the hospital again. My lung function has been in the high 30s since I began to culture the NTM, but now it's dropped to 24 and I decided it was time to come in. Everything is so frustrating because I'm culturing so much and everything is resistant to different things. The final analysis is: I have two strains of pseudomonas, staph, aspergillis, and the mycobacterium abscessus. They have me on oral azithromycin and moxifloxacin and IV amikacin and tigecycline. The last one is something that the hospital pharmacy doesn't even CARRY and they have to special order it. The ID doctors have also NEVER USED IT BEFORE IN A PATIENT. So now I'm the guinea pig. While I wait for that to come in, they have been giving me imipenem which is only "intermediately effective" against the abscessus. Hopefully i will be out of here in two or three days so I can get back to my classes.
I've been doing really well this semester, class-wise. Last semester I was just really really depressed and couldn't even get out of bed most days. I had a break-down over Thanksgiving and my mom called a psychiatrist. I ended up floating around to a few different people before picking one to see and I'm on anti-depressants and am going to therapy every two weeks and it is making a world of difference. I go to class now, even though I feel like crap, and I do all my work and I don't lay around in bed all day. My grades have been back up to my usual standards (A's) and I've decided that I want to go to law school instead of getting my master's in chemistry.
By going to law school I can become a patent lawyer and deal with pharmaceutical companies, telling them what they can and can't make based on the patents of all the different drugs out there. You need to know the chemistry behind everything in order to do this, so I'll be all set. I am going to take the LSATs in June (I think it's in June) and if I don't do as well as I could have, I will re-take them in October. I need to start looking at schools to go to around the Boston area.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to be starting the transplant-listing-process this summer once I am done with finals. I'm getting a G-Tube put in over spring break in order to get my weight up. I'm 5'6" and barely weigh 95 pounds. The NG-tube was not working, I can't bring myself to put it in anymore. I'm not happy about the surgery and having one more medical access point sticking out of me, but it will be worth it to be a healthy weight. Ben says he'll still love me no matter what is poking out of my stomach.
So yeah, I'm still with Ben... I was pretty awful to him back in November when I was full of mental angst, but now everything is straightened out and is just as good as before. He will graduate from Power school (still in South Carolina) this summer and will have about a month off before having to move to his next school. That one will be in upstate NY and I won't have to take a plane to see him! I'll be able to drive :) He will be able to come here, too, and everything will be much nicer. His parents came to visit me today before the movie they were going to see started. I'm going down to visit him the first weekend of spring break, then I'll come back and go right into surgery and have the rest of the week to recover.
At least seeing him is something to look forward to.