Jul 25, 2004 23:16
1. Your name: Julie Marie Riehl :D
2. Your age: 13
3. Birthday: March 26, 1991
4. Zodiac sign: Aries
5. Eye color: Blue
6. Hair color: Blondeish light Brown
7. Hair Length: a little past my shoulders
8. Height: dont know
9. What state do you live in: Pennysylvania
10. What town: Hollidaysburg
11. Where you born there, if not where: Tampa, florida (:
12. If you had been born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name have been: matt :/
13. Would you name a child of yours after yourself: no
14. If you would switch names with one of your friend who's would it be: Brittani
15. What's one thing about you that makes you unique: I CAN GO ALLL NIGTH BABY!!!!!! :D
16. Nicknames: Bolonga, Kinky, hornBall, Jules
17. Siblings: Doug
18. Animals: TOBY
19. Favorite animals: Panther?
20. Do you have glasses: nope
21: What piercings or tattoos do you have: ears and bellybutton I wish i had a tatto
22. What school do you go to: HAHS
23. Do you have braces: no
24. Do you have a tan: sorta..?
25. Do you have a b/f or g/f: No cause im fucking ugly :/
26. If so what's their name, if not what's ur crush's name: Yes i do have a crush<3 R.O.O.F <33
27. Do you play an instument, if so what: no
28. What grade are u in: 8th
30. How easy is it to make you laugh: pretty easy
31. What person makes you laugh the most: OMG CARLI !!! and Brittani and hanna<3
32. What words make you laugh or at least smile: GOOT!!!
33: What's the funniest thing you have ever done: ran around naked (;
34: What's the funniest thing you have ever said or written: POTTO SEX!! and DONT TALK ABOUT MY BACK!
35: Do you ever dance when no one is looking: ...wtf :/
36: What is the worst song you have ever heard: HOW COME AWERJKLGBGRJKLBBGLGRI I HATE THAT SONG!!!KFHSBJE
37: What song(s) are constantly in your head: uhh Sex?
38: What song(s) describe your personality best: Dont tell and we wont ask By Thrice
39: When eating something are you more concerned with taste or Nutrition: taste
40: Do you ever feel guilty after eating meat: pigges! no
41. What do you love most about the other Gender: smile Eyes
43. What do you understand least about the other gender: how all the good guys are fucking TAKEN!!!
44. What holiday do you think still has managed to reatain it's original meaning: rgklrjkrgjrg stfu
45. Since there is no official holiday what holiday do you think should be in that month: dgrhzhztrhtrhtrhj FUCK ME HARDER!!! :D
46. What movie(s) make you cry: OLD YELLER!!!!! yeah im gay
47. What has made you laugh so hard you have cried: carli!
48. If you could be cloned would you: nope
49. Are you a night owl: yes i stay up fucking :D
50. Are you an early bird: hell no
51. What time of day do you feel your best: When im fucking...? yeah
52. Do you get bored: who doesnt?
53. Do you sleep: allllllllll the time
54. Do you like Christmas: its okay
55. Who is Santa: where? carli
56. What comes to mind when you think of water: ocean
57. Do you like rain: yes!!!
58. Do you think it matters if girls wear makeup: no
59. Do you think woman are from venus and men are from mars: gkjnwerwrajk of course
60. Do you like popcorn: fklergkljnj STFU!!!!
61. Can you dance: hell i can hump!
62. Do you go to church: not the ofter
63. Do you like T.V.: yeah
64. Do you wear underwear: no i leave them too many places (;
65. What do you think about a penny: THEIR SEXY ???? ... wtf
66. What would you do with a million Dollars: pay every hot guy to fuck me :D damn im horney :p
67. What's your room like: its to small
69. Do you laugh when you hear or read the number 69: * giggles * Of coruse not
70. Do you believe in Ghosts: sure?
71. Do you like school: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
72. What's your best subject: Lunch
73. Do you wear a belt: yeah
74. Can you sing: no
75. Do you take showers or baths: both
76. Have you ever burned toast: no im perfect !?!?!?!
77. Ever heard the awsome song by bob and tom named toast: no
78. Do you like Football: YES!
79. Do you play any sports, if so what: cheerleading?
80. Do you bite your nails: ahhh yes! i hate it
81. Do you like cooking: YEAH!!!
82. Who has had the most influence on you: sex
83. Do you floss: sometimes
84. Have you ever stayed up ALL night: all the night bitch
85. Are you selfish: i hope not
86. Do you like mickey mouse: i fucked him :p haha
87. Have you ever dyed your hair: no
88. Do you believe in monsters: YES! :/
89. Is your room clean right now: uhhh no
90. Do you eat breakfast: sometimes
91. Are you a caring person: to some people
92. Are you afraid of the dark: nope
93. Do you have stuffed animals: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THEM
94. Ever broke a bone: fractured
95. Are your friends insane: yes but i love them <3333
96. Have you ever mooned anyone: yeah :D
97. Have you ever played truth or dare: yea
98. Are you afraid of clowns: yeah
99. Did you ever believe in the toothfairy: when i was little
100. Did you ever believe in the easter bunny: nah
101. What do you think makes a good friend: someone you can be yourself around and someone you can always trust
102. Do you like Barney: DUDE BARNEY TAUGHT ME MY ABCS
103. Can you rub your belly and head at the same time: yes im talented
104. What's the first vacction you went on: disney
105. Have you ever had surgery: yeah
106. HAve you ever farted in public: no
107. Do you keep a diary: no
108. Do you get good grades: no
109. Do you go to bed early or late: late
110. Do you gossip: try not to
111. Do you talk about ppl behind their backs: sometimes but people talk behide my back to !
112. Have you ever played hard to get: no with my luck they would end up but hating me
113. How would you describe your life: it could be better :/
114. Do you actually know your Social Security number: nope
115. What do you want to be when you grow up: i dont know
116. Do you want kids and how many if so. 4
117. What would you name your kids: Kayli and i dont know what eles
118. Do you want to get married: yeah
119. What's your dream car: HUMMER
----> [ Favorites ] <----
120. COLOR: Hot pink, Red and Black
121. SONG: Sorry about that - Alkaline trio
123. Tea: OMG RASBERRY!!!
124. ACTOR: CHAD MICHAEL MURRY!!! Aston <333
125. ACTRESS: Ashlee Simpson
126. FOOD: junk food
127. BEVERAGE: rasberry ice tea
128. MOVIE: Mean girls, SuperTroopers, PORN!!!! and many more
129. TV SHOW: Newlyweds and The ashlee simpson show
130. TEACHER: none
131. SUBJECT: lunch
132. DAY OF THE WEEK: Friday and Saturday
133. book: no
134. place: beach
135. place to eat: Red lobster
136. animal: panther
137. music group: Alkaline trio, HIM, The Used, NOFX, Anit-FLag
138. solo/ singer: Ashlee simpson
139. r&b singer: Usher
140. rap singer: i hate rap
142. country singer: Brad Paisly
143. punk singer: QUINN ALLMAN<33
144. Store: Pac Sun and American Eagle
145. Possesion: alot
146. Cheese: mac n cheese
147. Sport: Football
148. Team: Tigers?
149. Magazine: Cosmo Girl, seventeen
150. Season: SUMMER* and Fall <3
151. Flower: Roses
152. Chocolate bar: Resses
154. Gum: Red Orbit
155. Snack: dont know
156. Candy: dunno
157. Veggie: celery
158. Ice cream: alot
159. T.V. channel: Fuse and music videos
160. Juice: Orange
161. Radio stations: i hate the radio
162. Cereal: captain crunch
163. Yearly holiday: 4th of July
164. Fruit: strawberries
165. Month: July
166. Christmas Carol: i dunno
167. Scent: LiLu
168. Number: 69 ME BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
169. Pop: diet pepsi
----> [ Which do you prefer? ] <----
170. Jeans or sweatpants? Jeans
180. Sun or moon? moon
190. Gold or silver? Gold
191. Math or Science? neither
192. English or Social Studies? history
193. Checkered or spotted? checker
194. Fried or Baked? fried
195 Chicken or Pork? chicken
196. Tight or loose fitting clothes? not too tight but not too loose
197. Smooth or rough? smooth
198. Shiny or dull? shiny
199. Bright or dark? dark
200. Silky or satin? Silky
201. Blue ink or black ink? black
202. Barbie or Ken? Carli
203. Warm or cold? warm
204. Ham or cheese? cheese
205. Salt or Pepper? both
206. Sunny or cloudy? Sunny
207. Raining or Snowing? raining
208. Sweet or sour? Sour
209. Apple or pear? apple
210. Mercades or BMW? HUMMER
211. Motorcycle or Car? HUMMER
212. Army or Navy? grljknerkger
213. Pool or beach? beach
214. Shoes or Sandles? Sandles
215. Short or long nails? long
216. Stripes or plaid? stripes
217. Lemon or Lime? lemon
218. T-shirt or Tanktop? tank
219. Bike or walk? walk
220. Rollar blade or bike? bike
221. Bitchy and beautiful or nice and ugly? im bitchy and ugly
222. MTV or Vh1? wtv
223. Spanish or French? French
224. Bus or train? train
225. Plane or boat? plane
226. Friend or Family? BOTH
227. Baseball or Basketball? baseball
228. Pen or Pencil? pen
229. Paper or plastic? doesn't matter
230. Original recipe or extra crispy? original i guess
231. Truck or car? car
232. Dinner or lunch? lunch
233. Italy or France? France
234. Romance or flirt? i dunno
235. dog or Cat? both
236. Kiss or Tongue: TONGUE ALL THE WAY!!! wheres the action!?!?
237. Tall or short? doesn't matter to me
238. Mac or PC? PC
239. Hug or kiss? both
240. football or basketball? football
241. Long hair or short? medium
242. Ski or snowboard? ski since i dont know how to snowboard
243. Song or Parody? song
244. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
245. Pizza or Cheeseburger? cheeseburger
246. New York or Cancun? CANCUN BABY LETS FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
247. White Chocolate or Regular chocolate? Regular
248. Abercrombie or American Eagle? American Eagle
249. McDonalds or Burger King? Mcdonalds
250. Inside or outside? outside
251. Shoes or no shoes? either
yeah im bored (; Me and carli are having a great time <3