May 08, 2003 11:17
ok well sean swears that he hasnt used his webcam since we got together. seans swears he doesnt lie. sean says he doesnt wanna mess anything up between us. sean said he would never cheat on me cuz hes never done it to anyone else and its not in him to do it. sean says he could never be an asshole to me cuz it would make him feel horrible. hes getting rid of the web cam today to make me feel better. he swears that online he can only see them and they cant see him. i know sean doesnt lie... but its just so weird... the angle of the webcam and going private at that site... i just dont know. well i gave him the chance to be honest... ill take what he said as the truth, that he didnt cyber some slut, and leave it at that. if i ever find out hes lying, theres gonna be a big problem.