Apr 15, 2005 16:36
so monday was okay, i was in my 1st class and linds called and was like i'm stranded at some random middle school cus she was tutoring and the girls left her there so i had to pick her up, so we got newark bagels and stuff, then i went to the courts w/ britt, lex, suz, and john and zach and josh were there so it was cool. i don't remember that night, tuesday...i don't remember much, i think we had a match...vs...eh whatever, i know we won...then britt lex and i got pita pit, then wednesday i took alexa to the doctors and happy harry's and stuff, then went out to dinner w/ grams, gramps, and josh:-) then thursday i had a theater test and the matching was so easy but true/false was so hard, then linds and i went to lunch w/ amy and nicole then tanning,t hen i had a match quiz, then we took team pix and action s hots(i had to pretend) and thne we had a match vs towson and we won doubles and since suz and lex are so sick they couldn't play singles so liz played 1 sari played 2, katie played 3, britt played 4, marissa played 5 and lauren played 6...NO comment on that match, i mean liz, britt, and esp sari represented but i mean...katie...ahhhhhh i'm so much better then her, she hits everything right down the middle, doesn't step in on her shots, doesn't take and risks, it just kills me, and then marissa's played like 2 times all spring cussa mono, and then lauren is #11 for crying out loud...if my ankle wasn't broken that woulda been my chance! dammit. so i got back and amy made chicken and stuff so like me, linds, amy, ma, ash, nicole, salernz, julie, and whoev else all ate dinner, and iw as already buzzed cus i pounded a few shots cus i was stressed, so a few of the girls took my car to get ice cream adn i taught salernz how to take shots. so then we just played kings and never have i ever and stuff all night, itw as such a bonding night for the floor:-) today linds, me, ma, amy, nicole, and ash went to the mall it was fun i got 2 skirts...lata