(no subject)

Jan 04, 2005 01:35

first best friend = Nicole
first job = working at Sunset Health Care (receptionist)
first screen name = julieannda
first self purchased cd = Alanis Morisette
first funeral = my great grandma
first piercing/tattoo = my ears
first enemy = Tiffany Voltz
first big trip = Georgia

last long car ride = to Kent
last library book checked out = no idea
last beverage drank = milk
last food consumed = pizza
last phone call = debbie
last time showered = around 2 pm
last shoes worn = my timberland boots
last cd played = adam's mix cd i inherited
last annoyance = my cough
last shirt worn = my hard rock cafe one from Washington, DC
last website visited = jennas journal

wallet = green Bethany College or khaki Roxy one
underwear = light blue from Victorias Secret
tattoos = none yet
hair = light brown, shoulder length
eyes = green
hands = small
feet = size 7.5 and i have red toe nails
room = it's 2 bedrooms. i have a couch. it's purple
parents = amazing. dedicated. strong

boxers or briefs = boxers
plaid or striped = striped
salt or pepper = salt
okay, ok, or o.k. = okay
bright colors or dark colors = bright
tic-tacs or certs = tic tacs
sunshine or rain = SUN
rain or snow = rain, in the summer
sun or moon = sun
silver or gold = gold
silk, cotton, or flannel sheets = Cotton
preps or freaks = preps
popcorn-with or w/out butter = with
ketchup, mayo, mustard, or relish = ketchup
shampoo + conditioner in one or separate = seperate

an animal = a cat
a fruit = pineapple
a vegetable = green pepper
a color = pink
a bug = ladybug

are you smart? = yeah
do you like onions? = no
what instruments can you play? = clarinet and a bit of piano
what words do you overuse? = fuck
do you sleep with socks on? = no
are you ticklish? = yes
are you shy? = sometimes
do you talk to yourself? = on occasion
do you have a basement or an attic? = both
did you go to preschool? = yes
are you a morning person? = nope
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