Nov 04, 2002 19:13

Here I am, finally writing again. Its been awhile but thats okay :). At least I came back, right? I found some cool random questions from this site and randomly clicked on a date and got 5 to answer. Gives me something to write about.

1. What is your lineage? Where are your ancestors from?

My ancestors on my dad's side came from Norway. My grandma I think is like full Norweigen. My dad's dad's parents or something like that come from England I think. My mom's side is more mixed and has lots of different things. Her dad was part French-Canadian and had Norweigen and Swedish in him too. Her mom has lots of different things. She (my grandma) is 1/8 native american. Isn't that crazy? I would never think of myself as part-indian. I guess it would make me 1/32 native american. I can kinda see it in her like the way her face looks and the color of her hair and stuff but i think the indian resemblance pretty much faded before it got to me. She also is scandinavian, like from norway and denmark or something like that and english. Craziness...some people actually get this all figured out, I have no idea how they do it...

2. Of those countries, which would you most like to visit?

I would love to visit Europe and travel to all of the different countries there. I would go to Norway, England, France, Sweden, Denmark...everywhere! I am so gonna do that sometime. We still have relatives in Norway that my grandma keeps in touch with so I could renew family ties (and score some brownie points w/ all the relatives :)) plus it would be a totally awesome experience.

3. Which would you least like to visit? Why?

I think I would least like to visit America in the past during the times when the Indians were being suppressed. We actually just finished this unit about native americans in english and i didn't even think about how it related to my own ancestors. sad. anyways, yeah that would be an awful time to be in. I wonder how it got to be that I have native american ancestors. It must be a pretty interesting story. there probably are modern day relatives of mine who are like actual indians. I bet some european guy had an affair w/ a native american woman in the course of combat. But wait, I'm here and theres no other native americaness in me so that must mean that the child who was half american and half native american had another child w/a white person. So either the parents stayed together or the child went w/the father which would mean the affair lasted at least nine months since the baby had to be born. Hmmm...maybe the parents did stay together. The baby must have been raised in the white american culture though since otherwise it probably would have mated with another native american (and i wouldn't be here, gasp!) unless it left the reservation as an adult, which is unlikely. Look at all this, maybe I should be a genealogist. CrAZY!

4. Do you do anything during the year to celebrate or recognize your heritage?

Not particularly. When I was little like in 4th grade after I read the "American Girl" books that came with the doll Kiersten, I surprised my parents by dressing up on some Norweigen holiday and trying to serve them breakfast in bed since the oldest daughter always does that on the holiday. The problem is that she wears an ivy wreath with REAL lit candles on it in her hair. Oh boy! I almost tried to light them but had a burst of genius at the last minute so they stayed unlit. I also was interested in taking Norweigen language lessons, which I still think would be a pretty cool thing to do if I could find the time. Too bad there isn't like double the time in every day, I would try like every activity/hobby/anything else possible!

5. Who were the first ancestors to move to your present country (parents, grandparents, etc)?

On my grandma's side her father came over here. She speaks Norweigen, isn't that cool? I've only heard it a few times though. I think she might be embarassed of it, which is really sad. Once I start those language lessons I'll have to try talking w/her :). I'm not really sure when most of the other relatives came.

YES! I WROTE ALOT! Even though it is kinda randomness its still cool. See its like I write emails to people and talk to them on im and then I share more since the whole world isn't watching (actually reading but hey, its a technicality). Anyways, I AM getting used to this idea slowly. So be prepared all to hear my deepest, darkest secrets (see Paul, I'm working on sharing so you can read them :))Oh yes, gotta mention a few names since SOME people want to be included in here like it makes them famous or something. Hi Juliana (use this space to insert your great thoughts on juliana since she wants you all to hear how wonderful she is).
Oh man, I actually thought of something to write but I've been writing for a really long time already now. Cheslea, Chiara, Tony and I went to see "The Ring" on saturday. It seriously was not even scary, just weird. Some people apparently were real creeped out by it. I tried to get into it and stop LAUGHING at the scary parts which I did succeed in doing but still, thats just a strange movie. Anyways, afterwards we went to Red Robin and then Barnes and Noble so I could show them Karin and I's "little secret". It turns out that no one knows that the change slot in the tampon machine is hidden way underneath. The machine is totally broken but I guess some crazy desperate women put money in anyways so theres always some to get :). I was showing them this miraculous money maker and lo and behold who should walk in but AN EMPLOYEE OF THE BOOKSTORE!!!! Yikes! We kinda all leaped away from the machine and shes like "I know what you girls are up to" and I was thinking "oh man, we are busted" but then shes like "I'm the tampon police and I'll go get you a tampon!" (I don't remember everything exactly so don't kill me if I get it wrong chelsea!) Anyways, we were all laughing when she left and then she returns and of course the other 2 decided that I had to go pretend I really needed it. They left and I waited awhile then went out. The lady kept trying to talk to me near the sink which was kinda creepy. Shes like "do you think those machines ever work (hearty laugh)!!!!!" It was weird and I was trying so incredibly hard not to laugh. Then I finally left and could not stop laughing. I came out and saw chelsea and chiara and tony just kinda looking at me strangely. It was so much funnier than I can make it sound at all. Seriously, oh man. It was HILARIOUS! Okay, enough w/that. I have written soooo much. I hope you enjoyed reading it! Write comments! Oh yes, check out that current mood! I discovered a great one!
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