With the high dollar error I found on my chair this morning my days at this job are numbered. Which is a good thing except, that would put me without a job. Well I'm speeding up the process. I talked again to Steve from PrimeStaffers and is looking for something, close this time, for me. Schaller Anderson is a possibility again. I'd be working at their Mercy Care site if I get it. He says it's downtown. I think it's at St. Joes. Or by there. My stepfather's neice works there. I think. That would be another good thing. If my stepfather has another emergency, I won't have to go far being that's the hopital he uses. Karyssa and Chaeli are St. Joes babies. I still have a phone interview w/ AGIA. That would be good too. It's so close. If I get that, I'll be home in half an hour. Fingers crossed. Keep me in your prayers guys that I still have a job until I get a job. I just have to wait for the numbers for July to come in which will be around the beginning of August. Just in time for my birthday of all things. And I was gonna take the kids to a movie to celebrate. We were gonna see 'Shark Boy and Lava Girl'. All three agreed to the movie. Had to find something not so scary for the 3 year old and not so lame for the 10 year old. I'm such a good Auntie. Hopefully my luck changes. That's all for now. Gotta do more job searching. Not a moment to lose. TTFN
My St. Joe's babies Chaeli & Karyssa. Sorry proud Auntie.