This was taken after the last performance. I'm in the top right corner. Sometimes I think the director tries to hide me. But anyway here they are. The second one is the one that made it to the website. The last one we decided to be funny with the jazz hands. (show biz stuff)
Some of the people I talk about are on the pic. My friend Suzan, who I get the cool e-mails from, is the blonde on the far right w/ the maroon stoll. Lorna Leigh, my friend who is also looking for a job is right in front of me. My friend Allis, who takes me to and from rehersal and got that solo part, is right behind the director in the yellow. (The director is the only one without a blue shirt.) Hugh, my chaplain, is to the left of the director in the orange. And last but not least, my friend Jenny who has been such a comfort on this job situation, is right next to me. Of course I consider all of them my friends. Biggest group of friends I ever had.