Apr 14, 2005 19:20
I kept telling myself my cousins death wasnt real. But today i came to my senses.
First of all i have to say thank you, to my dear, true, friends who came to support my family and I through our rough times. Anaya, Heena, Sherry, My hefferlump, Fahir, Roger, Chris, Ralph, Wasim. Without them this would have been so much harder.
Yesterday was the viewing. Yesterday was the first time i saw my cousin, since the day he died. It didnt look like him. thats why i kept telling myself this is not real, thats not Ro-Ro, hes not dead, im going to see him Sunday at my nephews 2nd b-day.
But when my cousin Lesa went up to say a few words in memory of him, she collapsed in tears. Thats when everything in me came out. Wow he's really gone. He really commited suicide. wow.
Today at the funeral, i tried to hold it in, but when people came up to speak about him it really hit me of how much of an impact he left on people. It was soo good to see all his friends from the schools he went to, all his teachers.. when they came up to talk abt him every person said the same thing. Romauld was gifted way beyond his years. His intelligence surpassed most, which is why he couldnt relate to many people. 800 people attended the funeral and viewing. 800.
After the crematorium, we all went to visit my grandfathers grave and put some of the flowers from my cousins funeral on his grave site.
i hope they are both at peace.