Starkers phonecalls

Feb 26, 2009 17:41

You know, I just realized tonight that you really do some crack-headed things when you know you're amongst friends.  For instance, I got a phone call from Chaz tonight.  I was just, and I do mean just out of the shower, still dripping water, drying my hair.  Now, instead of having he call back when I was dressed, we proceeded to have the whole convo with me with a towel plastered across my front.  Now, I could have said nothing, but I just had to add "Gotta go, because I just got out of the shower and have to dry off."  This has happened to me, too.  On my end I called someone, she goes, "I'm in the bath."

"I'll call back later," I say.

"Nah," she says, and blah-blah-blah, off we go.  You wouldn't tell the lawn guy or the collection agency you're in your butt-nekkids, so why tell your friends?  You yell at your family intruding upon such a thing.  But, something about the situation behooves you.  This must be true, because I read a scene in a book about it, a funny little teenage thing from England called "Dancing in my Nuddy-Pants", to which a girl tells her friend, over the line, that she's dancing around starkers.

What's funny about it, is that instead of saying "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH", my friends usually just laugh.  Is it because somewhere, deep down inside all of us, every so often, we get this need to yell out "I'm naked!" that only our friends understand?

Back me up here, people.  You've had the naked phonecall, yes?  Don't make me the only one.

By the way . . . .

Kidding, just kidding, I just got dressed. :P

home, whack-ass things no one else thinks abou, wondering, friends, crack-headedness

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