Writer's Block: Fright Show

Oct 23, 2008 22:36

The Evil Dead?   Honestly?  That movie tried to take itself seriously, but, to be honest, I find it frigging hilarious because it was so over the top.  I do love it, though. Brrrrrruce Caaaaampbelllllll!!!  The one movie that classified itself as horror that really scared me was The Ring, because it involved its audience in such a direct way through the videotape.  It scared me for about a week and a half after that.  I had to read the book and see the original Japanese version in order to help set things straight in my mind.  It was, however, not the scariest film or piece of film I've ever seen.   Requiem for a Dream was highly, highly disturbing, very scary.   Also, Metallica's video for the song "One".  Scared me to fucking death.  So bloody disturbing that I can't hear the song anymore (and it's a good song).  It was very well-made and absolutely horrifying.

The grossest horror movie I've ever seen was Planet Terror, half of Grindhouse.  It was so gross I couldn't really be scared, just disgusted.  I pretty much can watch anything gross after watching that (except for the specifc thing that will always make me cringe, cuts on the wrists).

My all-time favorite movie that is classified as horror is probably the original Wicker Man.  I also like Wolf, American Werewolf in London, Catacombs, the original House on Haunted Hill, The Lost Boys and Horror of Dracula.
I actually prefer monster and ghost movies to movies about psycho killers (dead or alive).  I absolutely love Asian horror, but I'm rarely scared by it.   I'm too fascinated by ghost traditions and beliefs in Asia to be afraid. Of these, I think the best were Whispering Corridors, The Eye (original), The Grudge (original, the American version was crap), Mail, and the original Pulse.  Funny enough, I thought the American remake of the Ring was scarier.   I also am a big fan of Horror-Comedy (Sean of the Dead, Dead and Breakfast, Critters, The Evil Dead Series, Bubba Ho-Tep, Sundown, the Vampire in Retreat)

I've seen lots of horror movies, some of them good, many of them cheesy.  Somebody stop me before I blabber all night!!

scary movies, horror, fun, movies, writer's block

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