Dear everyone,
After a frenzied few weeks of packing and partying (photos are up), all four of us (
Pseudomammal, Kif and I) flew to Seattle.
Partying involved most of my favorite things, including scuba diving and the Hulk. Further involved favorite things were Junglefreak, Blazer, and Willowtree, with cameos by Actionhero, Pairodox and OreganoSpice. Caught up with Kama at the last minute and she spontaneously gave us a ride to the airport. Love you all. Really. My life in Sarasota went out in blazing fireworks. 102 will party forever.
Packing involved cataloging my belongings (no, really), putting them in dumpster-dived liquor boxes, taping the heck out of them, printing out postage on my printer, and shuttling them to a pile at the back of the post office. I carried my most valuable/irreplaceable things in my carry-on. (Mithril, my wedding ring, my original artwork and journals).
Between partying and packing, we got little food and less sleep and spent an obscene
amount of money. 4 hours Friday night, 5 hours Saturday night, 6 hours Sunday night, 5 hours Monday night, 0 hours Tuesday night. There was a 50 hour span in which I had nothing to eat but corn chips, half a tub of Winn-Dixie macaroni, and airline peanuts.
I've blanked out most of the trip, which took more than 12 hours. The bridge between PT and Seattle was up, so we spent more hours at the airport waiting to be picked up.
After a lot of sleep, we indulged in PT goodness. The Fort. The ice cream. That beautiful cozy house full of cats, holiday lights and origami. I was too caught up in trying not to gush about Pseudomammal last year to do justice to how much I enjoyed his home. It's really the next best thing to going home to my own parents' place.
Friday night we drove down to Portland. We greeted Winch-on-Green and dragged some mattresses over. Saturday was spent moving-in proper, making lists of furniture to buy, stocking the fridge with groceries, driving boxes and furniture from Winch, assembling furniture, and memorizing the street grid immediately around our house. Our house, which shall be known as Secret House, is a large unfurnished victorian house. Everything is solid and new and shiny and in perfect working order. We need bookshelves and bedframes and we need to live up to the quality of civility that this place demands.
Throughout the whole trip, Kif has been calm and alert. He's made himself immediately at home everywhere he's gone. The other cats and dogs didn't give him much guff. He's shown a tendency toward affectionate violence lately which has disappeared since our arrival in the Pacific Northwest. He has yet to bite any of us here.We have dial-up right now and DSL on the way.
Chakraoffish has a job interview tomorrow morning, and Pseudomammal has classes.
And now you know.