My new friend, Georgie, from
the land of squeaky cheese curds, sent along these pictures of a display she made for her 3rd grade book share. Isn't it awesome? I especially love the glowing mermaid nightlight Georgie made and attached to the display board and her most excellent "No-Good Nymphs" T-shirt! For those of you who aren't familiar with My New Best Friend, a spooky mermaid nightlight and club T-shirts are a big part of the story:
Georgie's fantabulous book share display. See the glowing mermaid?
Spooky! :)
Georgie: Reader, book sharer, snappy scarf wearer, T-shirt maker, and friend!
Thanks so much for sharing my book with your classmates, Georgie! And a special thank you to your mom for letting me share your photos with everyone else. :)