A great big THANK YOU to the principals, classroom teachers, librarians, office staff, PE teachers (who gave up gym space), school cooks (who delayed lunches), Scott (my audio-visual go-to guy!), and all the FaNtAbULOuS students at LaGrange, St. Mary's, Warrens, Wyeville, Camp Douglas, Oakdale, Miller and Lemonweir schools! I had an awesome week!!!
During my final day of visits, Lemonweir librarians, Cindy and Laurie, presented me with a Sock-Monkey-In-The-Box! My sock monkey, George, is a teeny bit jealous of the new guy--hee hee!
School librarians love to monkey around! :)
This month, I'll be taking part in The Second Story Reading Series at
The Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis, MN.
Wisconsin author,
W. H. Beck, and I will be reading from our middle-grade novels (Beck from her debut novel, Malcolm at Midnight, and me from My Last Best Friend), talking a bit about our journeys to publication, giving away prizes (!!!), signing books, and enjoying delicious book-themed snacks! If you will be in the Twin Cities at 2:00 pm on November 17, please join us for this fun event. For details, go
here and click on The Loft's November calendar. Hope to see you there!