I know I just posted that Auburn thing, but here's a normalish update for you, cut b/c I'm extra introspective tonight, I think:
-I officially don't like Judge Mathis. And I'm offically thankful for Mary Margaret. Don't ask, it could lead to another hour long conversation at 4am.
-Today was a weird class day. Dr. Wehrs held my hand in class. Yep. Weird. Let me explain: We were reading this play and he likes to pick me to read the girl parts b/c... well, I guess b/c I pay attention and he knows me from USC meetings... but anyway, today I was reading the part of Maria and he was reading Joseph who likes Maria. Then he asked us a crazy question that nobody really understood, so he started reading the part again, and slid across the room on his knees to grab my hand (as per directions in the stageplay). It nearly scarred me to death. When he finished his line, I couldn't figure out if he wanted me to read my lines or not, but a.) my book was half in the hand he was holding, and b.) I couldn't have figured out where we were b/c I was trying not to laugh. After class the other girls (only two guys in the class) were giving me 'oh poor you', 'thank goodness I sit in the back', and 'are you alright?' looks. Like I said, weird.
-I wanna watch Pride and Prejudice. We watched part of the AE version today in my other class. A large part actually b/c she isn't too good at working a DVD player. Then she stopped it right at a good part!
-Here's the introspective part: I think I'm lucky. Considering that I seem to be plauged by unfortunate events, I'm a very fortunate girl. I may not know exactly what I'm doing in life after college, but at least I got to come here and have the chance at figuring that out. What does it feel like to not have that opportunity if you want it? My point... or my basis for this, I guess: today it hit a little close to home that people I know won't get the opportunity to come to college. Smart people, people that deserve a better life than what they've gotten so far. It really makes me want to use my time left to do my best at everything, if only to justify somehow to myself that I deserve to be here as much as anyone else.
-Crazy weekend. Birmingham tomorrow night, then Tuscaloosa on Saturday, right back to Auburn for the concert that night, maybe helping leslie out with some hearing tests late that night, then cleaning cleaning cleaning on Sunday for SAN night.
-I bought the best present for SAN night. It's not dirty, but it's not sweet either.
-Grey's Anatomy Sunday, can't wait!
-Baseball should definitely have a half-time.