Clarion Write-a-Thon Update #1

Jul 01, 2011 10:10

Thank you to my two sponsors. Yes, that's right, only 2 sponsors!! *sad face* But thank you to the two of you nonetheless!

The Write-a-Thon is working for me so far. I finished a story Wednesday night and sent it off. For those interested in sponsoring me by word, it clocked in at 2487. Fairly lengthy for me. I was rather surprised. Of course then I had to CUT IT. The market it was written for wants under 2000 words, and preferably closer to 1500. I did what I could.

I hope it made the story better, because I'd hate to think it didn't! Did cut some stuff I rather liked. And it resulted in having to come up with a different title.

This market responds fairly quickly, so I hope to be able to let you know how it did before the Write-a-Thon is over (if not well before).

I had my eye on two anthologies, one with a deadline of yesterday and one with a deadline of today. I won't make those.

I'll probably write stories to those themes anyway, but I'll be looking at Duotrope's list of themes and deadlines and trying to find one for mid-late July.

So, that's the update.

You can sponsor me here!

clarion write-a-thon, writing, clarion

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