Starting after Wiscon, June 1st, I'm going on a book fast. For two months. The rules are as follows.
1. If it's in the house already, I can read it.
2. If it's a book to read for
Triple Take, I can borrow/buy it to read it.
3. If a book I have on hold at the library comes in, I can check it out, but it has to stay at the library.
4. No other books can be checked out, even if left at the library. Unless it's for work.
5. If books come in the mail, well, what am I going to do, leave them outside in the rain?!
6. I cannot order any new books. Exceptions may be made for pre-orders for books coming out in August or later. We'll see.
7. If I need a book for class, obviously I can acquire that.
All of this above also applies to ebooks and audiobooks. It does not apply to DVDs. I may later regret that.
What I'm undecided on is if I should return all the library books I currently have out before I start this. Or at least return the overdue ones. I could easily live off the ones I have for 2 months, without even digging into my own personal books.
What does the peanut gallery think?
ETA: I forgot to add why I'm doing this. It's because I borrow books from the library faster than I can read them. And I buy books from all sorts of sources. It's bad, me having some money! I have more duplicate books than I probably even think I do, just because I would buy it, not read it, then forgot I bought it, and buy it again.
Bonus points: Bonus points for me if I actually get rid of some books!