No way back now

Jan 01, 2006 21:19

New Year's Eve was great, despite the heat. I went lunching with my dad and (I) talked a lot about 2005 (mostly stuff from school, because I had really great moments there); back home, I took a nap and woke up to listen the top 3 songs of the year on a local rock radio station (and "American Idiot" made in second!). After watching the fireworks on TV at midnight (and eating a lot), it was time for "Singin' in the Rain" (the only real tradition we have here).

So, kill me, I'm one of the least carioca-brazillian people you will ever find: I hate the heat and I can't imagine myself in Copacabana beach, surrounded by sweaty people and having no quick way out (I also 100% dislike Carnival, but that's another topic).

So, for 2006...:

In the year 2006 I resolve to:

To not care what people think about me.

Get your resolution here

(this will be a piece of cake - I have 17 years of experience on that)

And I got this from beta_jackman

how jedi are you?
:: by lawrie malen

I've alredy written about 2005. But it's always nice to remember a few things. So, here are some random facts:

- I read 23 books (a historical mark, specially if you have in mind that I was supposed to study hard to go to college);
- I got heartbroken over something I would never expect to mean so much to me - I still feel a bit sad thinking about it, but I understand it now and only wish the best to all involved;
- School can be so much fun when you know how to enjoy it;
- Some aspects of my romantic life have to be worked on;
- This year had showed me, once and for all, that I would be nothing without my friends.

And here's what I want for 2006:

- Time - I know it sounds weird, but I'm either learning how to work with the time I have or going nuts;
- A job - I'm only working if it's somehow related to college, so that can be a bit tricky, but I'll do my best;
- Books - there's nothing in this whole wide world that can catch my attention like a really good book.
- Writing - it's a bit of a bad habbit, but I hope I can continue with it for a long time;
- Success - not money, but being able to fulfil what's expected of me;
- Being with my friends - I only hope I can get together with all of them;
- A boyfriend - I can dream all I want, right?
- U2 - I have to make it to their concert - or I'll probably cry over a week.

Ok, there isn't much about what I want... I guess I'm giving time some time and letting things come and go without much of expectation - except for the whole "going to college" kind of thing.

And for my friends list:

Happy New Year!

new year

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