I had to sell tickets today at work. I hate selling tickets. They are such sticklers about presenting student IDs and I feel like (because I am being) such a bitch when I have to charge full price because someone forgot their ID. I'm not getting paid enough to be a bitch... I mean the point of working at Alamo is so I don't have to get a real corporate job and screw over the little guy. But whatever.... anyway, if any of you ever go to the movies, go with me, or go when i'm working, and i'll hook you up.
also, i get a 25% discount at Waterloo so you should bring me along there too. Free movies at Dobie as well.
I was running food in Knocked Up yesterday, and our preshow has all these old sex ed videos from the sixties (maybe 50's 70's 80's? anyways...they're dated..) and they show diagrams of erections and the uterus. and when they were showing a woman's egg being fertilized, I overheard this girl explaining to the guy next to her how the whole process worked. how women only have a certain number of eggs...and then she started explaining menstrual cycles... I was blushing pretty badly when I handed them their plate of hot wings.
Also, this preview below makes delivering food to children at the Alamo really embarrasing (seriosly...aren't there other theatres parents can go to??? goodness)
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