Jun 29, 2006 03:10
Second to last day in Mazatlan. Only, for most of the people here, it is their last day. So of course we must go out. Despite the fact that I had spent the day making mixed drinks and laying out by the pool...I decide I cannot stay in on the last night. By 10 I am pretty much sober again. Thus begins the adventure to a near near death experience. (this is not a typo)
Amber and I head out to Tony's were we listen to Mexicans singing Eagles, Madonna, etc. and remarkably well. Me gusta mucho. Then we catch the palmonia to Senor Frogs. Tonight, they had a $20 all you can drink cover. Apparently all of Mazatland...at least those ages 18-21 knew about this, and they were all there drinking as much as they could...and some more than they could.
-tangent...what is it with guys and thinking it's acceptable to grab random girls
asses just because they are drinking. ugh!....
- second tangent....it's pretty amusing hearing the beasty boys at a Mexican Club
and yes, they were all fighting for their right to party...read below....
So, this club kinda sucks, but we are going to get our $20 worth...at least Amber is... when all of a sudden a fight breaks out on the dance floor. Just what this is about I'm not entirely sure...as my spanish teachers have not prepared me for such an occurence..however, i'm not entirely clueless...i can catch the gist of it. All of a sudden..people are chanting Mexico! Mexico! Mexico!... while some other people are chanting something else...knowing I am going to another country that is about to hold elections...i have taken the liberty to inform myself of the local politics. I am afraid to say, noone else I am with is, and they are all much more baracho than I at this point...and all the points to come. My baracha state stays about the same for the rest of the night.
anyways..i try desperately to get my friends to leave...but they find the situation funny and refuse. Finally I get Amber out the door where many cops have now shown up. Ten minutes later...while I keep trying to get my friends into a palmonia...we see guys coming out in handcuffs. Then Stephen decides to go back into the club. The guard says he's not allowed since he already left. Stephen decides this is a good time to start demanding his rights and yelling that he is american. What a smart guy.
Somehow or another..I get all the girls into a palmonia..stephen follows...and we leave...who knows what happened to bryce and jonathon. Hopefully they weren't killed in a riot.
I have successfully saved the lives of my friends once...however, my job is not over. We now are back safely at our hotel...but it is decided that a midnight ocean swim is in order. I cannot leave my roommates in their drunken state...though mine is also catching up with me, and i can no longer walk in a perfectly straight line (though perfectly straight lines tend to be overrated)
I'm tired of writing..and I'm still drunk so I'll be brief. I end up using my spanish for the second time when some guard guy comes and tells us we aren't allowed to swim in the ocean at night. Mandy tries to argue that this is a free country and the ocean belongs to everyone. I told her it's only free if she swims 15 miles out and that she would know that if she watched more simpsons. I get her to stop arguing and the guy leaves us alone. Then we go back to our hotel. My roommate decides to swim in the pool....she is there now...i am tired of saving her life. Hopefully she will make it back. I have left the door slightly open so that she can enter..knowing full well she will have lost her key.
This is all.
And good luck to my roommate.