Nov 02, 2005 14:17
Believe it or not I am still around. I just hardly get on here anymore. Geez; where to start! I finally got all my probation stuff done and paid. I still have to go see my probation officer once a month and give her $20 for another 17 months but oh well. I'm actually going to try to get my second year of probation knocked off because come on, let's face it, my partying days are done.
Which brings me to this. I'm almost 27 weeks pregnant. The pregnancy over all is going pretty good. When I first found out I quit taking my Zoloft and cut back on smoking. I had heard quitting smoking cold turkey can be bad on you which can be bad on the baby. When I quit taking my Zoloft I noticed a difference in myself within a couple days. I was a royal bitch. Turns out my doctor says it is safe to continue taking it so I did. I have been in and out of the hospital quite a bit with some little things but the baby is fine. When I first got pregnant they thought it was an ectopic prenancy but ruled that out like the next day. I've had some problems with cramping and bleeding in the early stages but everything turned out to be normal. Then the panic attacks started. Oh man! I had, had 5 panic attacks in less than 2 weeks. I'd had one before when my dad was sick a few years ago. Very scary! The way they start out is the room starts getting really, really bright, I start feeling dizzy and naeseous, my heart starts beating very rapidly and I know from past experience if I don't sit down as soon as I possibly can I WILL pass out. Back in August I had one so bad an ambulance had to come to my work and get me. That was embarrassing. They upped my dosage of Zoloft to 150 mgs but I was still having them so they upped it to 200 mgs. I couldn't believe that was safe for the baby but I guess doctor knows best. Soon the panic attacks passed. I think it was just a phase in my pregnancy. I think my body was just so jacked up that my Zoloft couldn't do what it needed to do. My mother-in-law said one of her co-workers had the same exact thing and as soon as she had the baby she was fine. I'm back down to 150 mgs a day and starting in December I'm going back to 100; my regular dosage.
I'm starting to get very excited, nervous and uncomfortable. Sleeping has become harder and I have a lot of problems with round ligament pain which is just going to get worse as I get bigger. I'm really looking forward to that. (Note sarcasm). We are having a little boy and we finally decided on the name Lucas Cole. M**t's mom took us shopping last weekend. It was fun finally getting some stuff for the baby. We have our bassinette already put together. Our crib and mattress is on the way. We got monitors, bottles, pacifiers, baby organizer and a couple other things. I look at our registry at target every day to see if anyone has gotten us anything else. My cousins are throwing me a baby shower on the Nov. 20th and my work is throwing me one on Dec. 4th. (Yes. Believe it or not I am still with The Home Depot. I've worked there a little over a year now). I can't wait!!!! Every time I see baby clothes or watch a show where a woman is giving birth I get so emotional. Well with the TV show; freaked out, terrified then all teary eyed and happy. Haha.
Well I guess that is a good enough update for now. I'll try to be on more often but no promises. I also want to wish my big brother J***n a Happy 29th Birthday!!!