
Aug 23, 2008 19:01

Fact or fiction? 
One of these is fact, one is fiction. But which is it?

I live next door to a big Filipino family. They are really great neighbors. We all get along, because we have a big family that lives in our house too. They always bring us stuff from their garden, we do likewise, they come over for barbeques and use our pool during the summer. It's one of those situations that everyone hopes to have with their neighbors. Lucky for us, we actually have it with them.

A couple of months ago, my sister got stung by a bee. She is very highly allergic, and she needed to go to get some benedryl and then possibly go to the hospital. Mom was away with my brother at some of his classes, and my dad was away at a preaching conference for the weekend. So me and my sister with the bee problem, and my oldes sister were left with no way to get to the store and nobody that could take us.

Our neighbors have so many cars because there are so many of them that live together, but they all have different schedules, so almost everyone has their own car. I thought of this and ran next door to ask someone if they could take me down to the store to get medecine for my sister. One of the girls said that her sister's car was running, she had to run and get some different shoes in the back of the house, but that I could take the car, and she would tell her sister that I would be right back since it was an emergency. So I thanked her, got my sister, and took everyone down to the store to get the medicine.

As luck would have it, the little store on the corner didn't have the medicine she needed. I had to go to the nearest wallgreens, and since it was later on in the evening, there was traffic and it took longer than I had expected. So we finally got there in about fifteen minutes and got my sister the medicine.  We were sitting in the parking lot, waiting for it take affect, and after a few minutes the swelling went down, the weezing went away, and my sister no longer looked like a corpse. It felt like it had only been a few minutes, but it had actually been closer to an hour by this time.

When I got the car back to the neighbors, there were cops outside and I was wondering why. I helped my sister inside, and then went next door to see what had happened. It turns out that my friend who had told me to take the car had forgotten to tell her sister, and they had reported it stollen. It was definitely a surreal king of fiasco.

My mom love reptiles. We have always had some kind of lizard in the house. Iguanas, different types of dragons. Her favorite type of lizard though has always been chameleons. She loves to sit and watch them learn how to control their new colors when they are babies, she loves to build them little habitats, and she loves their nasty short-tempered attitudes.

We had spent weeks trying to convince my dad that another animal in the house wasn't going to make a difference, that nobody was going to die of salmanila, and that it would be something really cool to watch grow. Finally he gave us the go ahead, and we went out that day and bought the biggest habitat, the nicest plants, and the most expensive reptile accessories. We went to the reptile store that had just gotten in a fresh shipment of baby chameleons, and picked a couple out.

We were so excited to get them home and fix everything up for them. We sat and watched them all day. You would think that sitting watching a reptile watch you would get boring, but it didn't. Our dogs were just as excited as we were, but my cat sat in the doorway the whole time, glaring at all of us like she would somehow get us back for going and getting new pets.

A couple weeks went by and the chameleons learned how to get out of their cage. They would climb up the curtains by the window and then onto the christmas lights we have strung up on our fire place. I remember being dismayed, thinking so much could happen to them, they were so little and delicate. We went out one day, and we were gone for most of the day. When we came home, the cage was open and the chameleons weren't in it. But my cat was, nestled comfortably, licking her lips and looking like she had just enjoyed a very expensive glamorous meal. We never found the chameleons, but I think the cat did. The next time we decided to get reptiles, we bought a cage that didn't open so easily, and we watched the cat a little closer.

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