May 10, 2005 17:04
Yeah so ive decided to start study leave from today, because...i want to. Anyway, it's depressing going into school and seeing the desks laid out for you and that gives you a reality check. I'd really much rather stay in my own world thanks.
Summer is really going to be soo good! wooo! i'm only going to be home for like 2 weeks so i wont see everyone an awful lot.
I don't get these "friends only" i meant to comment or not? hmmm
Will and Grace was good this morning, it awakened me as i was all sleepy eyed and didnt want to get out of bed cos i was sooo comfy and soft and know when your all wrapped up, yeah.
*eeee* can't wait till theee Holleyoaks comes on...all you guys that diss have to pure get into it man...feel the vibes
bye all xxxxxxxx