Apr 20, 2005 18:32
we all have things about our friends that make us slightly envious. not in a bad way, but in a "wow! i wish i had that person's hair, eyes, money, relationship, toe nails, whatever."
so tell me what about me makes you envy me, then if you post this in your lj i'll tell you what makes me envious of you.
Yeah so, today was the extended essay and it was all stressful, but i think it went okay. But, does anyone else ever get it when you come out of a test or whatever and you think that you did alright if not good and then, you do shit...that always happends to me, its not too nice.
School today was fun, some people are so damn hillarious!! I burped a gurgly burp infront of Mr Lawn and he just stopped and looked at me in disgust, i suppose that was the low point of my day although i was laughing for like half an hour after about it, like randomly having outbursts of giggles in biology...people looked and then just...looked away.
I hope Alicia comes to Yukon, cos it will be funner with her doing it :) Annnddd, i am rather annoyed about that other certain person changing so suddenly about the "Y" think (if yal' get me) about him/her's supposed holiday, ochhh.
I just had a nice bath with smelly stuff and bubbles :) and now i smell of lavender...tehe
Holleyoaks is on just now, it's amazing. The lame storylines make it even better, oh, and all the sexxuuaalll guys, yasss.
goodbye all xxx