About Julia Trushina

Apr 09, 2013 18:34

One of the first specialists on social media marketing in Russia. And now her specialization is social media for travel and tourism and social media research.
She graduated from St.-Petersburg Engineering and Economics University in “Information systems in marketing and advertising.”
In 2007 she defended thesis in Marketing. She worked in branding, advertising and Internet agencies. During the last 5 years she implemented more than 70 projects. In 2010-2012 she worked a lot with Finnish touristic companies and created social media strategies for them, trainings, consulting, blogger trips and promotion in Russian social media. In 2011-2012 she managed the project “Rucola” with regions of Finland about research on consumer’s behaviour of Russian tourists in social media, blogger relations and promo of destinations.
Julia Trushina is the author of trainings: “Sales and marketing of Finnish travel companies for Russians using social networks”, “Russian social media marketing for Finnish companies”.
Julia Trushina is a speaker on internet-marketing and tourism conferences.

My profile on Linkedin

My profile on  Slideshare

travel and tourism, social media marketing

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