Apr 04, 2005 13:12
I went skiing (in some mountains 2 hours out of LA...where else can you do that? Go skiing and then come home and go to the beach that same day?) for the first time the weekend before last and absolutely loved it! At first, I was terrified of the trees so I kept making myself fall whenever I was headed towards them so as not to crash into them (lol!); I must have fallen at least 6 times over the first two hours. But then I took a lunch break and in the next 2-hr class I took that day, I didn't fall a single time! The next day, I took a private lesson and my instructor took me to the highest slope there(!!!) and I only fell once! it was amazing! (but when I fell, I really fell hard- my skis flew off and I ate some snow- but it was completely painless). In any case skiing is now my favorite sport!
The March 12 NATS Young Artist singing competition went really well; I didn't win but the people who did were all at least 5 years older than me so I don't feel bad about it at all. I did get evaluations from the judges later and they had some great tips and were incredibly positive overall so that was nice. It's always great to get feedback from relatively unbiased people.
Right now I'm going crazy planning my recital! Anyone have any tips for planning it and/or actually putting it on (preferably well)? Have any of you done solo recitals? Any thoughts, things you wish you had known previously, etc? In any case, you are all invited if you can/want to come. It is on Saturday, May 14 at 7:30pm at a beautiful church in Los Angeles and admission is free. Please just e-mail me or post here with your e-mail addy and I'll send you a formal invite. I would love to have you all there!
I hope that everyone's been doing well. As always, I've been trying to keep up with everyone's lives but if I missed something big (and didn't comment when I should have) pls fill me in!
Jennifer and Pam- I'm soooooo happy for you guys! You really deserve the accomplishments that are coming your way these days and I'm proud of you!
Maurice- I really will find the time for us to meet up sometime soon. Sorry!
Edit: I forgot to mention that I have many gmail invites if anyone is interested. Just e-mail me or comment and I'll send you one.