Summergen Recs 2018 - Part 2/2

Sep 22, 2018 16:52

I'm probably skating in just under the wire here with this, since spn_summergen reveals should be out shortly. My last rec post covered the fics posted in July, this is August-September.

Black Coffee in Bed
Summary: Breakdown in Nebraska, and the mornings after
My thoughts: I’m a sucker for anything about the episode Breakdown, which I loved. This one is gorgeously atmospheric.

Open Sky
Summary: Magda lives, and ends up spending some time at the bunker.
My thoughts: Magda lives! This is a very sweet story written in Magda’s POV that uses her staying with them to explore some of Sam’s issues.

Summary: When four-year-old Emma arrives the Bunker, Sam wonders exactly what it is that Cas brought him-what he made without his soul.
My thoughts: This is written like a bit of a fairytale. Kidfic is normally not my thing but I really appreciated Emma, especially as Sam learns how to care for her and then learns where she came from.

Summary: Dean is hurt on his first hunt and lets Sam take care of him.
My thoughts: Short and sweet bit with pre-series Winchesters.

Summary: Now fully human, Jack navigates the realities of both past and present.
My thoughts: Wonderfully explores Jack adjusting to being human, learning more about Lucifer and Sam.

scenes from a highway at the edge of night
Summary: Birthdays are also anniversaries.
My thoughts: Don’t want to spoil anything, but ranges from sad to bittersweet.

pain is a well-intentioned weatherman
Summary: When Dean gets home from apocalypse world, Sam is on traumatic brain injury protocol. He was fine when Dean left. He was fine.
My thoughts: How many Sam Has a Head Injury fics will I read? Answer: all of them.

Summary: Dean facilitated a divine family reunion and God’s sister gifted him John Winchester. The world is upside-down-but they’ve rescued Sam, and doesn’t the world somehow (always) hinge on him? For the prompt: Season 12 Au where John was brought back to life instead of Mary.
My thoughts: For a short piece this one hits hard, hinting at all the very messy ways that John’s return would be difficult.

These are the days of miracle and wonder (this is the long distance call)
Summary: Sam Winchester's life has been touched by many things - love, loss, fear, hope, pain, and always, in the background, witchcraft.
My thoughts: Holy shit it’s witch!Sam! I love witch!Sam. I especially love this witch!Sam, which reimagines the entire show a little bit and works so well and is so touching and sweet and sad.

At first I was afraid
Summary: Three months after Michael leaves Dean's body, Sam wants to take on a case.
My thoughts: Woah. This fic is amazing. It takes place in a soon-to-be-AU Season 14 and explores some of the lasting consequences of Michael but also how they fit into some of the show’s ongoing, unexplored Issues. And have I mentioned that it’s fantastically written and in character?

Summary: It’s a slow procession out the front door of the Bunker that first week until it’s just the two of them left. Jack wants to comfort Sam after Michael takes off with Dean but doesn’t know how, and Sam is obsessed with how to get his brother back, no matter what the cost.
My thoughts: I’m a sucker for more Sam and Jack content. This one is incredibly sweet and ends with another thing I love, which I won’t spoil.

spn, summergen, fic recs, spn events

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