I was surprised to see a replica of my current hair cut on the front of AOL.com this morning. Now I don't claim to have this original cutting-edge hairstyle, but I have seen only one person in my town with a variation on my cut that could even compare. To see a strikingly similar cut on a major media site worn by an up and coming icon (Kate from Jon&Kate +8) was just weird. Not only was she wearing a haircut like mine, but the entire article is about her haircut and all of the hype and controversy it is getting right now. People seem to either love it or hate it and many are running to their local salons to duplicate it.
Kate says in the article, "It's my attitude! Everybody wants it. It's work. I have very, very thick hair, so it's not going to work for everybody. I've seen people come through the book line with thin hair and it's just won't work. My hair stylist gets calls from all across the country."
This blurb is an accurate portrayal of the cut in general as I, too, have very thick hair which makes it look quite good. Also I have gotten numerous compliments on my hair just in the last couple of days. It gives me confidence which resonates in my attitude.
This is significant to me for a couple of different reasons:
Firstly, I am annoyed that there is all this mixed press surrounding this haircut which looks so similar to mine that I imagine many people will think that I 'jumped on the pro-Kate bandwagon' and got my cut to emulate hers. This is annoying because yesterday I had this cool funky offbeat haircut that looks rad and catches people's eye for its originality. Now I have the haircut of the month (year?) and I will be seeing it on every trend-following suburbanite. It's one thing if I can say that I've had the cut for years and that I played a small role in the setting of the trend, but I cant and I didn't. I was just inspired to get my haircut like this because I thought it would look cool.
Which brings me to the second reason this is significant on a more cosmic/spiritual/theoretical level; Why was I inspired to get my hair cut like this at the same time as Kate and who knows who else? I have a (somewhat borrowed) theory that when ideas strike us they are also striking a number of other people across the world. Have you ever read something in a book or article and gone, "Hey! I thought of that a couple of years ago! Why didn't I publish it?!" Or seen a new product and remembered and idea of something incredibly similar which you discarded believing it would not be marketable? I believe that when the universe/source/God wants an idea to be manifested in reality or needs that manifestation, it places the inspiration in many different fields of fertile soil to increase the chance of germination and maturity of the idea.
I don't know, it's just an idea I have, I am sure someone somewhere has already published it. :D
Here's the Article