this is what i saw

Apr 18, 2007 21:14

I saw a kid get hit by a car today. Wait, allow me to rephrase my opening statement. I saw one of THOSE get hit by a car today. You know, one of those douchebags with the headbands, a "misfits" t-shirt, a gay-ass studded belt and a bandana hanging from his back pocket. I hate those kids. They are so self-righteous. They think they have the solution to everything.

Anyways, i'm getting off track. He was hit by an older black woman. He called her a bitch when the car made impact with his douchey ass "five-hundred dollar" bike...use that money and get a hair cut. He continued to have his friend block the road as they called police. The problem was...that kid and his friend had been taunting the poor black woman for blocks now and he purposely swerved into the middle of the road....

...i saw it.

So i get out of the car and give my number to the nice old black lady. and tell her that if they need a witness when the police arrive to call me. Following, my conversation with the nice lady, the kid decides to direct a few words towards me. He asked me whether or not i had seen her hit him...i told him i seen him swerve into the car, so yes, i saw her hit you. He became a little angered, but he never directed any anger towards me. He knew he was in trouble with authorities, or maybe he knew that he could plead his case and get away with it. At any rate, i was more than willing to pick a fight with that kid, and i was willing to get hauled of in hand cuffs. That lady didnt deserve what they were doing to her. Her kids should've never heard that asshole call her a bitch.
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