Villains in our midst...a special report...

May 07, 2006 23:13

The always adorable indie_straw reminded me of a very pertinent quote yesterday which I thought worth repeating in a public post:

"Villainy wears many masks - none so dangerous as the Mask of Virtue"

Step right up CARL BARAT - trying to make poor Peter look bad when you've done quite enough shit in your time and I never saw Pete kicking you out of the band!

Next: my lovely, sweet (yes, less than perfect but who isn't ('part from Pete :) KIDDING Joey!) friend's ex-boyfriend: has busted into her e-mail accounts and private diaries using computer spying and outright blackmail and changed the passwords on her...He also said he doesn't want her writing about him on the internet at all...But HA!! Can't stop ME saying on a public post that he's a nasty prat who is making my friend feel guilty about keeping a fucking diary!! Like everyone doesn't and like she was EVER his property let alone now when they're not together!

And in general - if you think you may be guilty of a little moral superiority - give us poor 'sinners' a break: Those moral heights are a long way to fall from - you may break your necks....

End rant.
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