"Guns. Lots of guns."

Apr 23, 2011 03:36

I mentioned in a previous entry my desire to purchase a handgun. Kelsey has been rather on the fence about the idea, mainly because it's not an insignificant amount of money.
It's against policy at work for employees to carry any weapons, which includes the pocketknife I always carry. Heck, I was carrying it the night I was robbed, and he even put his hand in that pocket. My bosses have never said anything about the knife, even when I use it in front of them to open or break down boxes. (Probably because of that, actually.) I know that a gun would not be given the same treatment, and I've been weighing that in my head.

I found out something tonight, and suddenly I have no absolutely no problem with a complete, though discreet, violation of policy. Kelsey's on board too.

The new owners are doing away with the pretense of driver safety.
It is now required that an attempt at delivery must be made before an order can be canceled. The new customer callback, our first line of defense against pranks and staged robberies, is no longer implemented. Of course, I am allowed to call them myself, but whether or not they answer, I'm still required to deliver it... even if it's a bogus number.
Should they be a new customer, with a declined credit card, and a non-working telephone number, I am still required to take it. If that example seems a little specific, it's because it happened tonight, and that's when I learned of this change. (Turned out to be a non-event, as they didn't answer the door.)

It's not that I feel unsafe in my job. I know that the odds of me getting robbed (again) are incredibly slim. But I feel as if I'm Ryan Reynolds in Buried, who is retroactively fired (and his life insurance policy terminated) while he's already in a coffin underground. My company doesn't care about my safety, and I know that if anything happens I will be hung out to dry. I will be told that I could have verified the number myself. I will be told that I could have called the customer and asked them to turn on their porch light. I will be told that if I felt unsafe, I could have come back to the store and called the customer from there.
And all of these will be
when "an attempt at delivery must be made".

So. I'm gun shopping.

work, life

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