Okay. God. I'm updating now.

Mar 23, 2011 02:24

I have literally had this tab open for the past two days because I keep meaning to make an entry. What me, procrastinate?

So since my last update, I've been working at a different store. It's well run, though the money is not as good, and the drive a bit further. Given how much drama there was at the other one though, I'll take this. My manager likes me, even if I accidentally broke the dishwasher.

My wife no longer works at Pizza Hut. The same manager that was the cause of my abrupt transfer tried to write her up for something that wasn't her job, and while the RGM didn't go along with the write up after K made enough noise, she was still given the whole "We're a team and we all have to pull together" speech, to which she basically said "Your incompetence is not my problem, nor should it fall on me to fix it, so I'm leaving."
She went back to her old boss at Outback and he was glad to see her. She'd left there on good terms, only having left because there simply wasn't enough business to make the job worth it. But business has picked up, and he's gonna put her on the schedule as soon as she passes the menu test.

I've started a new workout plan. It's stupidly easy, so hopefully I'll stick with it. Basically, every time I use the restroom, I have to do 30 push ups and sit ups. 2 or 3 times a day adds up without wearing me out so bad that I don't want to move the next day. I figure if I can keep this up for a few weeks, I'll try adding other exercises or changing it up a little.

Naturally in the time between my seeing this article and actually making this entry, XKCD covers the whole nuclear disaster leaking radiation story better than I can, but I still found this article very informative. It's the first one that I've seen that quantifies the amount of radiation one is exposed to on average, the amount that's been declared safe, and the amount that's been released. Basically, this situation is certainly serious, but not anywhere near worthy of the hysteria or even mild panic that has been occurring. No one is danger of dying, and many of the rad counters in the area aren't even picking anything up.
Also, Joe Lieberman is a giant idiot for going on the Senate floor and saying

"We’ve had a good safety record with nuclear power plants here in the United States ... I don’t want to stop the building of nuclear power plants, but I think we’ve got to kind of quietly, quickly put the brakes on until we can absorb what has happened in Japan."
Out of curiosity, where are the nuclear power plants we're currently building? According to Wikipedia, there's one. In Tennessee. Which is not, in one remembers their geography, part of Lieberman's constituency. In other words, STFU.

work, politics

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