Well I guess it's time for an update. I should be nice and do this behind a series of cuts but I'm not so ner.
For some reason my now unquestionably insane brain that was making me beyond mental on 50 mg of the drug I am going off has decided that 25 mg is just peachy. I think this defies most laws of science but I dare not complain. So mentally I'm doing just fine which is about 1000% better than the borderline psychosis/suicidal of the past weeks. Unfortunately I am paying for it in wicked nasty insomnia. Today I've slept about 3 times in stints of ~2 hrs and that's after not getting to sleep at all until almost 9 am. So I'm fairly wrecked physically but I think this too will pass. Just hope it's sooner than later.
Unfortunately my sprained knee is still not healed and I have seriously whacked my wrist so typing is not going well at all thus I'm as usual still behind on email and everything else like laundry and those little niceties.
t has all of next week off and since we've now been in this flat more than 10 months we figure it's about time to finally unpack. Fingers crossed! This will be aided by a trip to IKEA financed by my mother for curtain rods, plastic storage boxes and those sorts of things. And maybe, if I find one I like, a new mattress. Cuz this one is killing me. Funnily enough mattresses don't last ten years when someone is sitting or lying on them 24 hrs a day.
Well, no trip plans yet, although we're leaning toward Devon for some possible genealogical expeditions. And we just like the idea of Devon. Mmm, cream tea.
We have found out that we will be able to get our passports back sometime this summer, which leaves open the possibility of going abroad for my birthday (which is in mid-September). But my mom now wants to come over here instead and maybe go visit the rels in Italy (more genealogical expeditions!) so that would be good too. It all kind of depends on whether my dad is back on active duty or not as it would be kinda rude for her to come over here without him (but since we have no doors in our flat we'd never get any sleep b'c of his snoring so he's kinda not invited until he gets a CPAP!) but if he's on active he's not allowed to leave the US so it's suddenly not rude. And anyway that would mean more money for Mom to spend on her Spode addiction...
My citizenship app is FINALLY in after all of these years. Yaaay! Next up is bankruptcy (tentatively scheduled for June) and then applying for DLA (that's the non-means tested disability benefits -- not much but as Tesco says every little helps...). So that's a heckuva lot of red tape scheduled for 2007.
Alas, I dropped out of my classes and that sucked but nothing I could do. I'm not even going to do proper classes next year as I just don't feel I can commit until we have a better idea of what is wrong with me this time. I plan to do online courses in the fall, possibly Latin and/or psychology. I've found a few places that offer them and they are affordable and VERY disability-friendly. I'll probably also do some genealogy. Sadly I can't find any history ones yet that interest me but I have a lot of independent research that I want to do in that regard anyway. But I will need to organize some sort of regular outing just to get me out of the house on a weekly basis. Book club anyone? Craft circle?? :)
Can you believe it?? This time last week I thought it entirely impossible but we're actually going out twice in the next week. Saturday to a birthday party (*fingers crossed*) and Monday we're going to lunch with some of t's colleagues and then (after getting a new wrist brace and abusing my mother's credit card at the bead stores -- she has commissioned some stuff from me) out to dinner for our 8th anniversary. Oh and there's IKEA on Wednesday but we plan to be anti-social there :P
Alas so far I've been getting my supplies and tools organized rather than getting stuck in to projects but I think that it all going to change this weekend as my copy of The Happy Hooker has just arrived! Finally a book that not only explains all of the crochet techniques in ways that I can understand but dozens of projects I actually want to make. Now I need to find me a good yarn shop (so far I've only managed John Lewis -- which isn't bad but...right now I'm not buying yarn so much as just getting to know what the various weights and fibers look and feel like).
As part of my it-is-5am-and-I-can't-sleep routine I've been listening to a lot of craft podcasts again. Today I just started on Beneath the Fiber Moon --
btfm -- which is a poly/lesbian/bdsm crochet/knitting/spinning show. It's uh...different. But I'm only at ep 4 out of the 22 she has done so far so I'm going to keep listening to see how things develop. (I think I find it odd because it is *incredibly* personal for a crafty show and I prefer casts to either be personal or be topical but not a 50/50 mix. And so far it's pretty disjointed but I really think she will have gotten better by now.) Craftypod has done some fab things recently, making me even more determined to get some FIMO soon and CraftSanity is on a semi-hiatus which is sad but hey that's what pushed me over the edge to order The Happy Hooker. (Yeah I know, being broke and ordering books seems counter intuitive but I got it for free courtesy of ipoints uk -- let me know if you want a referral!)
Well that's as much coherency as my brain can manage as I'm losing my ability to string together sentences so, until next time....