Plod Plod Plod

Mar 23, 2006 18:21

I have more things to do than energy and pain-free-ness or mental clarity to do them. The best I can manage is to plod along, making small improvements towards long overdue projects (and long overdue library books that I'm still not done with).


Why is the grass always greener? I've been growing my hair for six months now, with only about three inches of absurdly wavy black locks to show for it. But my scalp has been flaring up badly to the point where I just want to shave it all off again. I really miss the *look* of having my hair (which I don't have yet, it looks like my mom :P) and the convenience & reduction of itch and pain of not having hair. I'm trying to decide. If I had wigs that would make it an easy decision but that's not going to be in the budget so I have to do this the old fashioned way. I suspect that this stradding the line will only last until I have to start brushing my hair (as opposed to the occasional comb), as that was the last straw in the past.


Looked at another flat, only A) website photos lie and B) a 4 person lift can't fit one person in a wheelchair inside of it. So we're back to square two.[1] I did find some file boxes for 99p each so will need to get off my butt and order them so we can at least start packing.

If anyone has a supply of boxes of most any size (not monitor boxes tho) in London please drop me a line. We're going to try to borrow a vehicle to collect packing materials to avoid having to pay for every single box we use, as we're probably going to have to pay for movers to *move* every single box we use, as t can only do so much and I really shouldn't be doing any lifting or toting and we're short of non-gimpy local friends to help heft. We should like...hang out with non-sickly people but what would we have in common with them?? :)

[1] we still dunno about that flat we put an offer in on weeks ago as the owner is still incommunicado. But no one else has rented it so it's still an option.

School (uni)

I missed a week due to asthma from hell, but otherwise did spectacularly at attending this term. But it did have its price as I haven't been able to get much else done due to the ever growing downtime after such feats. We're on spring break now until late April, and in that term I will only be taking one class as I probably can't even manage that with the move going on but I really really want to take it so I will try. (Training for healthcare workers in the psychology of pain management...)


I'm totally exhausted, brain fogged and in pain. The sore throat still lingers and as usual on the days when the throat is OK the other pain is too bad to do anything else, so projects languish. Asthma is back in the mix after an almost two year hiatus, and the throat problem is far from being solved. It may be structural so I suspect a referral to an ENT is forthcoming, but that means months more before a resolution.

I am trying really, really hard to not let this get to me emotionally but I think I am losing that battle. Frustration, guilt and stress are definitely in control, but at the mo' the chemicals are staving off full depression.


So, so far behind. I try to do a little every day but it is damned little. I am going nuts as I SO want my voice back, and my brain back and hey maybe my body sometimes too. But that's being greedy. Anyway the current focus is the histfic podcast's website, which is coming along slowly but surely. Now if only I could actually record a show I'd be in business...

I keep thinking about doing "morning pages" but that would have to be by voice as the hands can't handle it (never mind the official cannon that says it has to be longhand). Maybe I should learn to type with my feet or something.

It's time for the 6 month check in for Project 31 but that's going to be a large undertaking so it, like everything else, is going to drift behind schedule.

Am so far behind on email, web reading, lj etc it's not funny so please let me know if I am missing anything and apologies to those whom I have not replied to yet. (Which is uh, everyone, I think.)

Also I'm sure you have seen this many places but the New Orleans Public Library is asking for donations of any books, which will either restock libraries, be given to families who lost everything or sold to aid in library repair/refurbishment. Please help if you can!

The New Orleans Public Library is asking for any and all hardcover and paperback books for people of all ages in an effort to restock the shelves after Katrina. The staff will assess which titles will be designated for its collections. The rest will be distributed to destitute families or sold for library fundraising. Please send your books to:

Rica A. Trigs, Public Relations
New Orleans Public Library
219 Loyola Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70112
If you tell the post office that they are for the library in New Orleans, they will give you the library rate which is slightly less than the book rate.

For more information, see the New Orleans Public Library website at

moving, health, podcast

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