Could go either way.

Sep 20, 2004 09:25

Today I was driving behind a car with a "Kerry-Edwards: A Stronger America" sticker on it. It says 'stronger.' I know it says stronger, because I have the same damned sticker on my own car. But it was too early for me to be up, and I wasn't reading so well, OK? So of course you know what I read....

BARTLET: We meant 'stronger' here, right?
SAM: What's it say?
BARTLET: "I'm proud to report that our country is stranger than it was a year ago."
SAM: That's a typo.
BARTLET: It could go either way.

I also hate the Bush-Cheney stickers with the little American flags. Because the flags aren't even right. Note to makers of uber-patriotic GOP bumper stickers: the blue field in the American flag doesn't go all the way to the bottom. Morons.

west wing

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