A letter to John McCain

Sep 25, 2008 17:09

You're going to suspend your campaign? You're going to SUSPEND your campaign???? To save us all from some impending economic doom?

Where were you last week, Senator McCain? Where were you when some of the nation's largest financial conglomerates collapsed, thanks to YOUR economic philosophies, no less? Should I just assume that it takes an entire week for such news to reach your ears, that you're on a week-long delay behind the rest of the country? Because if I do assume this, then I'd also have to assume that you would do a terrible job of reacting to any real, viable crises that you would encounter as president. Should I assume that?

Or should I assume something else, Senator McCain? Perhaps I could give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you really think that you're going to make a difference by heading over to Washington and precociously martyring yourself? Well, Mr. McCain, if I did assume this, then I'd still have to assume that you'd make an ineffective president. You see, Senator, the Senate doesn't quite work the way that you seem to think. They have a committee for things like this. It's called the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and its chairman is a Democratic Senator by the name of Chris Dodd. This committee is legally entrusted, due to the expertise and experience of the people on the committee, to author any banking bills that are necessary. And I assure you, Senator: Chris Dodd is NOT going to let a man who has admitted himself ignorant on the economy waltz into an office in which he holds no position or authority and sit down at the head of the table as if he's actually capable of doing something.

Perhaps, then, I could assume that you think that the Senate Banking Committee needs a strong Republican voice to lend a conscionable hand to the discussion? Well, McCain, it once again seems that your knowledge of the very government that you work in is woefully inept. There already is a Republican presence on the committee: ten of them, in fact. Ten Republican senators who actually deserve to be on this committee. I'm sure that when Chris Dodd reaches across party lines to improve this bill, he'll consult these people long before he consults you. Wouldn't that make it seem, Senator, as though your grasp of how structured bipartisanship works in this country is hardly sophisticated enough to bridge any real political gaps once you're in office?

Well, Senator, now I really have to rack my brain. Perhaps I could assume that you really can make a difference, and that the only way you can make a difference is by going to Washington, D.C. RIGHT NOW. After all, you canceled your campaign, stopped running ads, refused to participate in the debates, and even bailed on your appearance on David Letterman. Time must be of the utmost, right?  So tell me, Senator, if this financial crisis is such an impending issue, why it is that you have time to stop by CBS's studios to give Katie Couric an interview? Was your flight to savior-dom delayed due to nasty weather? Did the rain over our nation's capital prevent you from coming in to fix what you seem to think is the most vital crisis of our time? Say, isn't that kind of like when you didn't do anything when Hurricane Katrina hit?

So what am I left to assume then, Mr. McCain? Should I assume that this is all some political ploy to divert attention from your struggling polls and make this country think that you could really make a difference here? Should I assume that you're willing to make a mockery of a true crisis that has cost us all over $700 billion, that has cost us our houses, our health care, our self-reliance? Should I assume that real human suffering really is just a toy to you? I believe that people run their campaigns like they would run their governments, and Senator, I have to say this: there are certain things that I will not tolerate in a president, and an immature, reckless publicity stunt that disregards the hardships people face is one of them.

Yes, Senator McCain, I think I'll join 87% of people in this country, and assume that you are less fit to run this country than I could have ever imagined.
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