"Humanoid Droids": welcome to the Department of Redundancies Dept

Apr 09, 2011 17:12

Because I don't talk about robots enough anymore. Mostly SC toy stuff, because I know if there is one thing most people I've talked to about robots and SC with were interested in, it was TOYS.

Apparently there was a perfectly good reason why the toys as they were in the second movie weren't sold. (pikachuashnat and I often wondered why they didn't sell them I mean, we saw DOZENS of the little doodes!) Well, there is actually also a good reason why the ones that pop up on eBay are often in piss-poor condition. They were just too fragile. :< Apparently a lot of them were broken when someone would pick them up. Uhm, yeah, not good toy material.

JozRobotics (I've linked to his YouTube videos in the past, just looking through the gallery of robot props he built along with a REALLY NICE black classic!Dalek, K-9, a beautifully sculpted Bubo from Clash of the Titans, WALL-E, and even the MST3k bots which for him were a "fun, quick little diversion" for him is basically like looking at all the candy at a super-awesome candy store and wishing I can be there) is selling Robot V, which is a not-quite J5 model (but they still call him that anyway online) with a different name (not a very subtle one) and some minor details missing/changed to get around copyright law (honestly, I really just have been believing for years now that Sony Just Doesn't Care, but still.)

Of course, the price could get me a new tablet...maybe a trip to TerribleCon...or maybe help fund a trip to Gallifrey One...so there's no way in hell I'm getting one. (If anything, tablet would be first priority. Or maybe Terrible Con or Galley. TABLET OR FRIENDS? SO NOT FAIR. Oh well this is imaginary money that I'm pretending to NOT spend on something I've dreamed up for a long time anyway.) Still, the photos on the page would probably invoke happy memories for some of my friends of SC2 and what they wished coulda been.

I had other SC stuuf to say, but I've forgotten. I have been getting back into fangirl mode over it again, but usually only for short periods of time, most of the time it's dormant.
On the other hand, I kind of want to use the picture in this article as an icon. ...I don't know why. (That's another Robot V, but again, close enough for icon work.) Oh, and the article is interesting if you like stuff about human's psychological reactions to robots based on their appearances and how real life differs from sci-fi.

(On the other hand, on the opposite side of the spectrum there's the Tweenbots sort of social experiment... should we tell Eric Allard that designs for robots that would be appealing to robots can be as simple as BOXES?)

(I wonder where my love of Cybermats falls into this. I think for me they look helpless since among other things they've been described as cybernetic caterpillars, shrimp, and silverfish, they have big eyes, and can be shot down by flighty Victorian-era girls so it's hard for me to see the menace in them so all I see is little mechanical bugs with big eyes. WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE?!)

Why yes, I am more fascinated by human psychology and behaviour than most of my doctors probably realise, considering they think I don't know much about how humans act and don't know how to act around them. (Humans are so plicomplicated, it's actually the opposite. I do now understand more about human psychology and behaviour than I care for, I just don't LIKE a lot of it. Doesn't mean it's not fascinating. I mean, partially why I did get more observant and fascinated by it IS the INTERNET, from people getting instant e-balls, feeling no shame about sharing their private lives in "public," close relationships formed among people who never met in real life, and grown men stepping up and saying they love magical ponies and drawing TF2, Halo, and other characters from MANLY things playing with ponies. [Oh, and the show is getting interesting considering how Lauren Faust is keeping close tabs with the Internet fandom, including /co/, or them just coming to her on her dA page, which is something I don't think we have a lot of precedent for in previous television shows. BUT I'M DIGRESSING LIKE HELL.])

ramble through the brambles, short circuit, pan and i are dorks, robots, pointless navel contemplating, omg you stupid fangirl

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