This is sort of an art post...

Feb 17, 2011 01:33

I dunno. Just wanted to share some WIP-ish stuff of my cleanup lineart I guess.

Also, it's just cute (inane, but cute.)

Ten has an Evee. Does there have to be a reason? ...No, not really. (But if you really want one, I can't help but enjoying to get paid to draw cute things?)

Cleanup pencils go straight over the non-copy blue. Of course, this was scanned by my "I'M GETTING BETTER!" scanner (sure you are) and if this were an actual photocopy, there would be no blue. (...Okay that joke probably won't read it sounded like "THIS IS A TEST. THIS IS ONLY A TEST. IF THIS WERE AN ACTUAL EMERGENCY.....*UGLIEST NOISES EVAR, several children experience brown notes behind their sofas*)


While I have noted that I find it amazing I have only gotten a "IT LOOKS LIKE DISNEY" comment ONCE in the short, jam-packed while I've done Doctor Who fanart, I will admit I've been called out on bringing in my brand of treacherously cute, diabeetus-inducing art into the community. For that, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

(Who am I kidding you know I'm not. Julian Wilbury: Giving people online diabeetus through fanart since 2002!)


EDIT: I just realised this icon is sort of awkward know I obviously chose it for this entry because it One of My Favourite Pokemon Memes+ Doctor Who, so...yeah.

fanart, doctor who, sketches, wip, art

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