(no subject)

Jan 18, 2011 00:55

Serial IS REFUSING TO LOAD and the Internet is even more dead than it was during the day. I should probably take this opportunity to try to re-align my sleep schedule. (Hahahah, how many times have I said that before?)

Besides, tomorrow I SHOULD FINALLY GET MY DVD-R IN, gah, you never know how much you use something till you're not only stripped of having a backup one (SAINT Patrick was not made to have two ROM drives) but your primary dies, also. FER FRICK'S SAKE.

Of course I complain about stupid computer stuff when I have bigger issues on my shoulders that are beginning to seem more and more hopeless and the general doom and gloom attitude of the people around me IS NOT HELPING THINGS. (I'msorryigrewupsoflawedanduselessandstilldependentonyouinmymid-twentiesmumanddadiwishicould'vegrownuptobeworthsomethinglikeyouhopedorevenjustgaveyougrandkids. ;_; )

I'm gonna survive this month, rite? ._.;;
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