Oh yeah, and there's also this!

Dec 24, 2010 15:46

I really doubt there are many people who watch my LJ who hasn't seen this (heck, if you've visited it, you've seen part of it already! It just made good header art!) But I'm also posting to the Doctor Who community so nyah.

Actually, I doubt you'd have to go that far to get him to stick a tongue to a frozen pole. Ten was weird like that. THAT'S WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU LICK EVERYTHING!

I honestly am still waiting for someone to tell me that this has been done, because I seriously can't be the only person who thought of this. I wasn't able to do physical Christmas cards this year, so all my friends have to suffice with this instead. At least if you don't like Ten, you can at least appreciate that something UNFORTUNATE is happening to him! (He would probably like to have Fivey's tea kettle right about now. Considering I just think Donna's "offscreen" laughing her head off I don't think he's gonna get one or any sort of help anytime soon.)

In refreshing dA flavour!: http://rockerbot.deviantart.com/art/Dare-of-Rassilon-189314371

Merry Christmas to all the wanderers who may find themselves here, and let's hope for a Christmas special that doesn't depress the heck outta us!

fanart, doctor who, christmas!, holidaze, art, fandom hell

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