Wilbury vs. Soup

Dec 14, 2010 21:28

It only seems like the Christmas season in my mind, mainly due to the holiday art I've been doing and well, the snowstorm Saturday night helped; the snow's finally just melting. That's pretty good for Missouri, keeping snow on the ground for about three days. Oh, and my mum has the lights up outside. But no decorations in here or even a tree yet. (Before the tree was ALWAYS up after Thanksgiving during me and muh dad's own Thanksgiving breaks. So the recent Christmases without a tree around all month have been WEIRD. But the fact is that most of us are too busy feeling too lousy to be festive besides listen to holiday music.

Sorry for disappearing for a bit without telling y'all what was going on. Well, if you watch me on dA, Twittar, or even my tumblr(s), you'll know I've been doin' STUFF, and had a general idea that I was working through feeling like crap, but even now things have slowed down 100%. Right now I'm sore as heck and I have honestly no idea why, besides the lovely virus that my father brought home from Carfax. Welcome to Carfax, we have zombie foxes and viruses! (Don't ask.) He was sick with it the beginning of the month, but it finally decided to hit me over the head Saturday night. (At least I got to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader earlier that day, which was pretty awesome to me, I dunno what critics are whining about. All the scenes with Aslan totally do NOT make me wibbly, they don't. Really.) It's been a pretty quick decent the past couple days after that.

I at least got to finish my two holiday pieces (GAU Secret Santa and my redonkulous Doctor Who winter pic, if you saw it, you'll know what I mean) so I don't have any true serious deadlines hanging over my head. I may finish colouring my commission for whimsyfawkes and colour my older commission for champawat if I get bored and un-sore but I honestly haven't had much of an ability to concentrate on anything that seriously needed both concentration mentally and for my body to not act like a spazz with my already off-kilter motor skills. (In other words, actually DRAWING and doing clean pencils or inking for colouring is out of the question. I'm lucky I got the two major pics with pencil cleanup art done and coloured. And yes, both the recent gryphon pic and Ten re-enacting A Christmas Story were both presicion "inked" in pencil. Pretty nifty, huh?) I can still probably handle colouring digitally because my style of digital colouring lately allows for a bit of sloppiness.

I've finally conceded defeat today and am capitulating to my dad's insistence that I go to see the doctor's. Goodie, and she just saw HIM. Again, the first few days I managed to remain fairly functional in mental and artistic areas but again, that's slipping away, too. I had to pretty much force myself to take a "sick day" yesterday, despite the fact I had silly drawing ideas floating around in my head that were oh-so-tempting, and finally distracted myself by re-doing my LJ theme. Not the whole layout, I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaay more fond of Flexible Squares than anyone should be, but it's definitely more of a fitting cool blue winter colour. And my own art as a header! *gasp* Hell has frozen over! Wait, no, that's just my room, I gotta turn on my heater...(that snow HAS stuck for a reason...)

(As for the title, I have been stubborn as hell about dodging eating soup for dinner. I just do not want it. I want real food. I don't care if it doesn't taste as good. Soup is just boring. I think this isn't being helped by the fact that since my father was also sick, none of the regular family meals that are made to serve at the very least three were made and we were left to make our own dinners. I wonder what my mum is going to do when I move out and then there will be almost NO CHANCES for them to have nice meals anymore with just the two of them...or maybe they'll learn to *gasp* make meals that serve a lesser amount of people! What a concept!)

I should make a separate art post...but for now, I'm again, too stiff, cold, and sore, and I have a nice warm bed that can help ease that...

ramble through the brambles, i do not approve, unnecessary whining, illness, holidaze, personal, why don't i go to bed?

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