Inside the Vault- Prehistory and AC (2000-early2002)

Nov 05, 2010 01:44

I was serious, guys, I'm doing this. This is the first's already huge. A true picspam. And most of this has never seen the light of the Internets.

Due the the age and the quality (or lack thereof) of a lot of the original art, a lot of it's gonna look a bit lousy. I'm sorry about this, especially the prehistory and AC prehistory bits, but this is all 10 years old, not AROUND ten years, but ten years or plus a few months, for the majority of this post. So...RESPECT.

So let's go back in time...from Jefferson City, to Rialto, CA, then Corona....before any of you knew me... for you guys, this is a lot like the TARDIS in some ways, old and new (for you) at the same time, takes you back into time, there's a lot more to them than what you see (bigger on the inside!), and of course, if rockerbot/Lillian were in colour in all these pics, there'd be a shitload of blue. Although even when I draw her, Lillian has been as many different colours of blue than the TARDIS which is really saying something.
*waves hands in front of the screen*

This is the last bit of stuff I drew before I left Jefferson City, Missouri, with my old crew. Flea you maaaaaaay recongize, and no...not Lillian. The camerabot you see here is the original Lindsay. The human you see is Shirley Kent. (And no guys, I didn't realize that people could read that image WRONG at the time.) Even with these toons you can tell part of this was me dealing with moving from my home for 10 years in my own odd way.

You're not missing anything by not being able to read the text. Trust me.

Only the second page, but we're in Rialto, CA here. Yes, that place is totally dangerous, yes. I only lived there for a month, and stayed in because going to a school for a month seemed silleh. So...I drew, and I wrote. I don't really know what was up with me and detective motifs at the time, but I wrote and drew them a LOT, this story that is illustrated all over the page was the most obvious "tribute" I wrote.

Lillian also has the tubing connecting her neck and body, but I haven't embarrassed her shown it in any drawings that weren't her in pieces. D:

I mostly scanned this to show the size of Lindsay. WTH, self? That's TINY!

Ralph the Tin Dog *ducks cans thrown from his corner* is reading "Roughing It" by Mark Twain. I should note, if any of you recognize a lot of the miscellaneous outfits and poses that some chars (mostly Flea) are in, yes, they are shamelessly based off concept art and animation sketches from things like Chuck Jones' autobiography, "Chuck Amuck." I don't think I have any art still on me where my Warner Bros. influence is still as blindingly obvious.

(When I look at the top right Flea I just hear Tom Baker's voice coming out, which is totally the opposite of his voice. [Think Micheal McKean with a fairly normal Brooklyn accent for Flea. Seeing SC2 was an "AHAH!" moment for Flea's voice.] Which I guess is fitting with how much of a jerk Flea "grew up" to be. In these particular drawings he's still rather in his "Bonkers Phase" where he was more just SILLEH than anything, but of course, me looking back knowing how he turned out can't help but read these things.)

All the exsisted of "rockerbot" for months. Drawn back around July 2000 or so, I annoyingly didn't date most of these.

I kept in the detective!Servo 'cause he's cute (and I just obviously had a fetish for drawing robots in detective outfits at the time, I DUNNO), and the Chuck Jones' "Charlie" dog type character for pretty much the same reason.

Anxiety Cafe, the comic at the time, was started for a lot of just plain silleh reasons, and there's some history around its creation I don't want to get into due to "bad blood." I was 13, give me a break. But these were done around September, before the strip started in 2001 properly.

This is when what is now known as ComicGenises but eff you it's KeenSpace to me first OPENED. Before any of the shitstorms went down, back when half of my webcomic friends were on that site, and comics that moved on to varying degrees of fame or infamoy such as Gene Catlow, Jack, and Count Your Sheep started. So don't give me the "friends don't let friends join Keenspace" deal, this was 2000-2001, you gotta look at it from the historical context.

These are obviously a bunch of Ron pre-concepts. Yes, I liked jamming as many drawings on the page as I could at the time! I KNOW this page was around the time I started my last year of middle school, the coffee-addled Ron I especially remember drawing trying to stay awake in Algebra class.

Yes, Ron had a teddy bear. No, I dunno if she still has it. Near the bottom on the far right you can actually see some storyline concepts that never made it to the strip-- Anxiety Cafe was in San Fransisco proper and Ron on the bike was from an old storyline on the "Mass Effect"'s called something like that, in San Fransisco there was like one day a week where people took to bikes on the street and just pretty much overtook the cars by sheer numbers. I dunno if they still do it nowadays, I hope so, I still find it an awesome idea! And probably needed more than ever.

Ron and Lillian together, more pre-concepts. The one with them sharing a sleeping bag on the right is based off a story I wrote in class for Halloween, so I can date these about then. Obviously, some of them ended up sharing sleeping bags.

Ron's trademark grumpiness is showing more and more here than the previous sheets, where she just seems to be an overall more lively and fun character. And why does she have teeth? I dunno, the same reason a monotreme has breasts, I have no idea.

All cartoon characters who wear glasses seem to wear just simple John Lennon-looking glasses. I found out why later: More conventional shaped lenses are HARD TO DRAW.

Ron and rocker hugging is still pure AWWW even if now I see it as something OOC. And oh yes, Lillian's stick arms and claw hands! She was more equip to pick berries back then. Those arm positions may make sense robotically, but they look totally silly. What was I thinking?

SYD got introduced in the last page, but here she is now. More obvious Looney Tunes influences. SYLVESTER IS TOTALLY BETTER THAN TWEETY, GUYS.

Ron and Syd would still totally probably be constantly at each other's throats like in the top left if it weren't for the whole...totally inappropriate thing. Also, no, I have no idea what's supposed to be going on in the bottom right. I don't think even I knew at the time. All I know is that I'm just imagining them now inside a Space Whale, if only because Ron yelling "WELL THIS ISN'T GONNA BE BIG ON DIGNITY!" amuses me.

Last page of pre-concepts, f'serious. Bottom right preeeeettty much sums the three up even to this day.

Apparently nobody wore pants back then. Man, I'm honestly glad I gave Syd pants, and Josh in turn. It was also because while I do like the toony proportions, they look totally younger here than they're supposed to be and while giving them more human proportions meant it only looked right if I gave them the proper human clothes, at least they looked more their intended age.

About all the drawings above...these all obviously show I haven't ever really put much thought into drawing anatomy before, so everything's a bit noodly and based more on symbols. On the other hand, there is just an energy and liveliness in these drawings that I really miss in my art. And you can see some raw understandings of squash and stretch and such, and honestly? Expressions are better than a lot of my stuff now, but I'm sort of just going back to that point where I like toony styles better, so it just may be that talking. But still, they're raw, but they have so much life to them that I still can't help but like them.

Early Ron colour model, done before I had a scanner or knew how to use Photoshop. Sooooo....coloured pencils! Good ole Crayolas, they're not all that bad.

The sad thing about this picture? What scene it was supposed to be from: Ron's first reaction to rocker. Oh man. 8(

This is some of the stuff you may recognize if you've known me for years now. I actually dated this one, so yeah, at least I can properly put it in a timeline.

This was not a proper AC strip! This was actually done for class, where we had to draw our own "political" cartoons. Even back then I knew this wasn't a proper political cartoon, but oh well, I got to draw my chars for class! A version of this was up on the AC sites and some of the earliest versions of Kiwiberry Freezy but digitally re-lettered, but for good reason: I got counted off for the spelling on this thing when I turned it in. D'oh!

(Man, I don't want to say anything more than this, but gawd, our teacher did not know what a clusterfuck she was gonna guide us through when she decided to take advantage of the timing of our class and teach us in-dept about the election process...we all had to watch the results and colour in the states on the map a respective colour... obviously when we came in the next day we were all "Uhm, teacher...some of the states we couldn't fill in...")

This was originally meant to be the background for the AC site, and is fairly later on in the pre-comic development. And doode, guys, you know how a lot of people often start off with a crapton of characters and end up with a very few once you actually write the story/start the strip? Yeah, this is the case here. The lab doode only ended up being in two or three strips, the crow with the headfluff was only in the intro strip, the white wolf and the cockatoo...never. Those were for the better, but I dunno, I kind of wish I had room for a crow char in the strip even now. The Labrador was just...I think he was filling out gender ratios, but other than that, useless, so if you ever wonder why the estrogen levels in ASC were so high, it was because I just didn't have a male character that was developed enough to go with the main chars.

I think you can see my old style, my very set style for AC, and the newly-encroaching Disney/Western animated movie influence all fighting for attention. We all know who won in the end, and I deeply regret it.

JINGLE BELL ROCKERBOT, FOOS! I know at least SOME of you will recognize that from an old Lilymud avatar, because people loved that thing. The rest...I dunno how many of the ended up online. I still like the "flip me off 'cause you have four fingers" joke.

I think people never really got this, but originally, rockerbot's (do you know how hard it is not to call her Lillian?) arms were supposed to be able to totally retract inside the body so she could imitate camerabot!Lindsay like say, in the top right pic. Nobdoy really got this and I ended up just literally removing the panel that you see drawn in right behind her head and have her arms just coming out from there but not able to pull in, which is part of why her arms were then allowed to become not-sticks. Looking at her with the arms withdrawn and the old Lindsay drawings is now weird for me, sort of like plush duck chicks with no little flappy wings.

When I talk about my inking being good "before my meds screwed me up," I'm talking about this kind of stuff. I didn't touch this. At all. You can see the stuff that got attacked by my white gel pen, even. But it's stinking nice clean inking.

And yeah I dunno if EITHER of us where EVER vain enough to actually say "to know me is to love me" like that page says. OOC FOR BOTH OF US!!!

Still pre-strip, but pretty much the last one. Obviously done for a winter pic that never got finished until much later when I learned how to colour in Photoshop. But this was the first pic I got scanned, I know that! I had to get it scanned at my father's workplace! (He worked for a video game company, and my first Photoshop lessons and my first introduction to a graphics tablet was by the artists who worked there. They were all totally awesome and patronized me and my art.)

So yeah, there WAS a coloured version that showed up around 2002, but that one is lost to the winds.


Sketchbook stuff done during AC's run but while I was in school, most likely. You can probably tell by the difference in scan quality and the fact that there's a chunk of the pic with no scan noise, but yeah, these pictures originally didn't go together, but I needed to combine a few of the individual pics and when these two came just looked too adorable. I dunno what's up with the dunce cap, though, that was probably what school was making me feel like at the time.

The fact that Lillian slept in a drawer always seemed to be a crowd pleaser for some reason. Cuteness factor, I guess. And yeah, that posture is totally impossible for her, but who cares, it's cute.

Yes, rocker's love for Cambot. Does she still have it? I dunno. Maybe now that she knows that there's another pop-culture spewing living robot BLABBERMOUTH like her running around (we all know who I'm talking about) she's ditched him. I dunno, sounds bad, but let's face it, Cambot's a poor conversationalist, and although I do have comics from later on where she just has FUN with that, I think in the end yeah, she's better off chasing J5.

There are a LOT of lost ASC strips, but this is the only one I REALLY WISH I had back. This was my sick, sick, but still full of love tribute to Chuck Jones I did when I found out he died. He was one of those people I wished I could've met, but time was just not on my side (he did live a damn good long time and was the last remaining original Warner Bros director alive by 2002. Still, I was devastated.)

In the last panel Ron is adjusting the temperature since Hell must've frozen over, what with a coyote having caught a roadrunner and all. No, it isn't that, but Heaven just got a lot more fun, I know that.

Arrows were added in tonight by me, this was my last ASC strip, and I didn't draw it in strip format and instead compiled it and arranged it in Photoshop, which is my current method.

I thought that'd be a good place to end this, but...found a better place.

First, though, have a crying robot. Wat. I'm honestly glad Lillian can't physically cry anymore. She can make all the stupid snuffling noises she wants, though. (As Dakota explained it to her early on before she realized she was not "just a robot" and was asking why she was able to cry, crying in social creatures is often an external way to tell others that things aren't right physically or emotionally...or a way to get attention, which I admit IS sometimes Lillian's case. CRY MOAR, BABY.)

Yes, that is a ^.^ cut off at the top of the page. I am as ashamed as I should be.
Page of silly doodles, you can actually read this one! Weirdly, this page was RIGHT AFTER the crying Lillian, but all of a sudden she has the much, much better three blunt finger arrangement, which was blatantly stolen from Bender. TRUFAX. But at least she looked a LITTLE better when drawing.

More sleeping in a drawer adorableness. I do have that plush (not a Lion King one, well, I have Lion King ones, but this one is based off the big lion Beanie Buddy I have named either "Roary" or "Bushy"...frig it, his name is Rory. XD;) I also have the sea otter plush that was in the last adorable sleeping in a drawer pic.

Sort of an odd place to leave off if not for one thing...why is that awesome gryphon with that weird bird thing?! (A paraphrase of an actual friend's reaction. *sigh*)

(Oh, and on that note, I should say that Dakota spoils her to death and she does NOT have to sleep in a drawer...considering all Dakota does is sleep on pretty unadorned cushions with pretty much just blankets and such, and such he has a little "bed" type thing for her and yes, her own blanket, even though right from the beginning Lillian protested that she doesn't need it 'cause she doesn't get cold...but she never got rid of it, either. ^__^ )

*stops wiggling fingers* If you looked at all that, you are awesome and have my eternal thanks just for being interested. No matter what, these guys are my babbies, and I'm still honestly trying to wrap my head around the fact that it's already been 10 years since Anxiety Cafe proper started development, and these posts are helping. It's also neat enough for me to see all the changes, embarrassing as a lot of this looks, because...well, it's history, and each one brings back some sort of memory of my life at the time I drew it, for better or for worse. Which is probably why these characters survived...they were the ones who waded through the shit with me. So...yeah. I hope you can join me again on this TARDIS disguised as sketchbooks. :>

legacy, put your behind in the past, sketches, picspam, my stupid characters, art

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