I am reaaaaaaaally getting tired of this crap

Jan 29, 2010 18:30

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu I had a whole huge rant about how I'm really tired of feeling shitty thanks to these meds (or lackthereof? Klonapin, I'm looking at you :| ) but I dunno if I want to rant right now. I'm just tired to expend all that energy behind that emotion. Basically: Yes, I'm happy I can now go off my meds during the day, but I'm so run into the ground that I know it's gonna a take a while for me to get back to feeling 100%. Still having violent twitching fits, can't eat much, and drawing is hard as heck right now. I had to turn down an offer to work tonight just because I'm too royally trashed to work.

I just want my health to go back to normal. Really.

Then there's the fact that my Aussie shepherd of 16 years seems to be on the way to the big doghouse in the sky but mein gott I don't even want to think about that. Just the condition she's in is so pathetic, she's eating less than me and can hardly get on her feet. Rrrrrrrr. I haven't gotten along with my dogs in the past, but I don't want to lose them. 8(

Damned if I'm even going to TRY to accomplish anything tonight. I should probably give that up and just watch stuff to make me happy. (Although I may spill out some fanfic ideas. Mrf. Oh fab, just what I need, more unfinished fanfic.)

To try to counter all this angst, here, have a sugary-sweet sketch:

Note to self: Be careful when saying you're going to draw something only half-meaning it: PEOPLE JUST MAY EXPECT YOU TO DRAW IT. I said in the xkcd RSS feed that I was going to counteract the incredibly depressing strip on the Spirit rover on Mars and...then people asked how the art therapy was going. Uhm...>.> CUE ME SCRIBBLING THIS OUT.

(I didn't want to explain Lillian in all her weirdness so it was gonna have to be WALL-E or J5...FANART: UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE OF GEEKS. And I won't lie that I was happy to have an excuse, anyway. :P )

Had a crick in my neck all day JUST PILE PAIN UPON PAIN ON TOP OF ME, OKAY? Guh, kick a bot when they're down...

unnecessary whining, illness, sketches, robots, pets, fanart, short circuit, omg you stupid fangirl

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