Bits and bobbles

Dec 21, 2009 23:38

First- CARDS WERE SENT OFF TODAY! I was up late last night drawing in all of them. I think I should've left them in pencil, pens just smudge too much and the pen that didn't smudge as much was harder to control and everything had to be more sketchy and turned out sort of wobbly. :< (That said, I know there are a few ideas that I came up with that I want to re-do as 'real' pictures for you guys. Just sayin'. :> )

Cards from mahrkale and traxer came here safe and sound! Thanks guys!

I need to go back to doing icons ahhhhhh I spent too much time goofing off the past couple days during art tiems. Too bad I ended up taking a strategic break after dinner that I only woke up from at 10PM and my head is still kind of fuzzy. Had incredibly weird but engaging dreams that I am now at a loss of how to describe, especially in trying to describe just what was going on that made me so emotionally charged about it. Especially hard since I was Cambot from MST3k...

>.> WHAT?! Don't ask me, ask my braaaaaaaaaaaaaains.

Okay yeah I know something is wrong with me, but what's new?

But OMG guys I gotta show you the full version of my icon because it's pretty damn epic.

By iolarnula. I loaded this and let out a loud "holy moly!" I have gotten a lot of epic icons lately, but a lot of why I'm featuring this is that her art has a woeful lack of attention. Probably because she doesn't upload OMG EVERY SINGLE DAY and is kind of erratic about it but heck, she uploads more than me. (Not that that honestly means much, I have art from LAST Christmas on the my first gallery page on dA.)

Blah blah blah, just sayin, if you like concept art and such take a peek here:

Not generic fantasy art (like mine), not in the slightest. Awesome interesting stuff in there.

Y'know I probably have tons of other artists I was planning to plug at one point but it slipped my brain before I could do so. I should try to think of some of them, there are a LOT of artists that I've found goes sadly unnoticed...

*waits for the last page of the current chapter of Skin Deep to be uploaded before going totally braindead*

plugging stuff, artist pimpage, commissions, christmas!, art, cards, legacy, icons, dreams, my stupid characters, sleep

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