Sep 03, 2010 22:23


Wait, what's that over there in the upper left...?

I should have known it was you, Derpslime!

And then Derpslime went on to defeat Ben. The end.

Meanwhile today I went and looked for Heroman doujin and only found two, but they were both worth the effort of finding them! Especially the UROBOROS one, I am a sucker for EVERYBODY LOVES [character] stories and it did not disappoint! (well... I'm lying a little bit there, Heroman was not involved, but I don't think that would have worked in the context of the theme. I am still hoping for some good boy-on-giant-robot sexytimes though! Not nearly enough on pixiv, though there IS that one amazingly gay pic featuring Heroman in his new power armor...)

cats: ben j, crafting, photos

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