Feb 07, 2005 19:33
Well today is so exciting because this morning we got our LETTERMANS!!!! Mines kinda blah boring because i didnt buy any extra stuff....but i will and it will be cool!!! hmmm...we actually had a good practice today(for once)we did all these drills and stuff and i actually felt good about it until i couldnt beat donika on the half court points....but thats ok =) today was lundi gras...and i helped decorate (if u could call it that...i just put confeti on the tables) umm i just hung out with stephanie and natalie it was fun we talked about stuff like memories, guys, and my totally screwed up knee (haha its messed up)and ate alot of treats... Then around 7 they started bingo...and we gotta out of there *politely* YUP !!! oh and stephanie drove me home ---shes a good driver and her car rox...(oh so smoothe)!!! yah the night was good ....found out some somewhat shocking stuff TO ME but thats about it...i feel like i got my first little taste of the real highschool life, which i've just been virgin minded to. All in all it was good!!! now i got do some hw...soo adios