Sep 04, 2003 19:05
I kid thee not, this is the name of the company that bought out my nice cozy gym. I walk into my nice quiet gym that suits me so well, and the nice young girl behind the counter has been replaced by this overeager-middle-management looking guy in a bright shirt and a very bright tie, who explains to me (with that tv smile)that the gym has been bought out, and will be moving from the nice funky existing gym in the basement of the hotel into a shiny new 3-story place down the street, he doesn't even know if there will be a pool there at all...
So, I'm sure I can deal with that, it's not the only easy gym in town, whatever. But that name, whatever could they possibly be thinking? Are these the buisness buzzwords of the month? How the hell can fitness be abstract? I like my fitness nice and malkut, thank you, right here where I live, abstract fitness ain't gonna keep this cranky old girl-body comfortable to live in nohow. *Abstract* fitness? Is that what the video trainer lady gets when her video is played the umpteenth time? Or what you get when you sit on yer ass in front of the tv and watch people do athletic things?