Dreaming about vacation...

Jul 16, 2010 09:13

    I wanna go somewhere far...on the island with all the foreigners people!(this is a must),cool sea,hot sand,bright sand,clubs and restaurants and people i'm happy with !!!
   Tired of being sleepy every morning ,cos i can't make myself fall asleep at 11 and feel myself normal in the morning!!!Tired of my manager,that sometimes is bitchy as hell and sometimes is normal and kind,but the thing is that i'm not scared of her or i know she's not gonna make something that will disapoint me a lot...but sometimes i can't stand her stupid things!!!!
  Hate this weather,when it's hot as hell,humid air,you sweat like motherfucker and in one circle...work-home-gym-home-work-home-gym-home and no out of this all...and no desire for clubs or friends from Dorm...just i need to go Ukraine and Austria to see my Mom and relatives...cos i haven't seen my relatives for more than one year,but my mom haven't seen me real (only in skype) for 2 years!!!Fuck....life is passing...mom depressed all the time...she has no way out of her circle that she has there...it's only work at home !!!!it's not even two different places,it's same!I'm pity her and really missed...
   ah...finally after one day is sunday!day of sleep and rest from Chinese ppl!!!

I'm waiting for ur support my love!!!

rest, work

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