So nothing special

Oct 14, 2010 11:03

.. going on in my life..The main problem in China is to find suitable shoes...:(Fucking chinese with theirs small feet...I'll use my favourite show "Sex in the City" quote "it's like being diabetic in Buskin Robbins.".just watching.. Found this magical shop(as it always happens in China, u find some things,when u less expect them to appear in front of ur nose:)) with Laboutin shoes,Chanel shoes and all those fancy brands that cost a lot...but here they were only one size and cheap...fucking cheap 300 rmb or 500 max.
  So of course only some ugly brown shoes of 2005 collection were big sizes..Well fuck it...Hong Kong is waiting for me from 3 rd of  november:)
   And what else??Well i'm going to Canton Fair tomorrow.Hope to get some good customers and working-sitting-working in the office (sometimes reading gossip shit about stars and judjing their tastes in clothes choice:)
The main thing for me after coming back home(5 days of eating chinese crap with colleagues,standing all day long in the booth and having these fucking stupid boss made these meetings late meetings)is to keep myself out of fat explosion and find good gym. 
Oh yeah...yesterday i met my friend Ivanka and we went shop in Wallmart and after our bags were so big that we decided to steal cart ,and we almost stole it ...hahahaha
Stupid chinese...(the workers of Wallmart)
First they were looking at us how we made plan to steal the cart,Then they get up and look atterntively,when we stole it they still were looking at us for 2-3 mins how we were  running away with the fucking cart and then they started walking behind aaand only when we were half way home they said "Stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Then they walked us to home and take back the cart to Wallmart haha..In Ukraine they would understand we wanted to steal cart even before we would think about that's why i will always think that chinese are stupid..were,are,will be...and there are no limits of their stupidness...

stupid chinese, daily life, china

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