Ginny is my long distace provider

Jun 05, 2005 00:23

Gerbellina: I'm giving Billy another 10 minutes and then I'm going to sleep
juliaguliajewels: oh, to be your boyfriend ginny... If only
Gerbellina: do you want another 10 minutes? cuz you get them complimentary
Gerbellina: not that billy pays but still
juliaguliajewels: wow, complimentary minutes? can the roll over to tomorrow?
juliaguliajewels: unused minutes? (rollover minutes?)
Gerbellina: perhaps
juliaguliajewels: haahaa
Gerbellina: depends on whether you use them now
juliaguliajewels: well, there is stuff, but nothing uber important
Gerbellina: your choice now or tomorrow
juliaguliajewels: nah, i think it's one of those things that will blow over in my mind... maybe...
Gerbellina: its all up to you my friend
Gerbellina: I offer choices and flexibility
juliaguliajewels: wow, I should have my cell phone plan through you.
Gerbellina: try getting that with other friend plans
Gerbellina: ha!
juliaguliajewels: I shall call it "Ginnizon"
juliaguliajewels: or "Ginnular"
juliaguliajewels: I like that one
Gerbellina: i'm sleepy... where is billy
juliaguliajewels: dunno
juliaguliajewels: he's out of the area
juliaguliajewels: haahaa
juliaguliajewels: roaming
Gerbellina: oh my
Gerbellina: i think the cell phone analogy has gone too far
Gerbellina: now it needs to be posted
juliaguliajewels: haahaa, I think so.
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